Saturday, March 15, 2008


My agency had told me that our Dossier was hand delivered to China on March 3rd. (Bryan's 39th Birthday!!) They also sent us an email saying that the LID would be within 30 days but we may not hear from them for 60 days. Well On Friday March 15th I got an email saying we have a Log in Date!! Our LID is March 4th!! Can you believe it, One Day from handing it to them! Wow, finally something involving China adoption that moves faster than a 400 yr old turtle with 3 legs. We are THRILLED! Anyway, things from here will be very long and drawn out but I will continue to post regardless. Here is yesterday's email from our agency about the wait and what they are doing to change it.
The families from our last referral group who received their referral on March 3, 2008, experienced a 26 month referral timeframe (this means they waited 26 months from LID to get a referral (child). The CCAA continues to take steps to address the growing referral timeframe and are expanding their efforts now that they have returned from their Chinese New Year celebration. These efforts include: recruiting more orphanages to participate in international adoption; educating orphanage officials on how to fill out the necessary paperwork for a child to be considered paper ready for international adoption in a more timely manner; and providing impoverish orphanages with funds through the Blue Sky Plan to help pay for the necessary medical testing for a child to be considered paper ready for international adoption.
Rylee, Cassidy and I leave for New York early tomorrow morning!! Please pray for our health and safety throughout the week and we will post some fun pictures of the trip soon! The girls will dance 3 of the days, we will see 3 Broadway shows and do lots of sightseeing! Love to all! Mary

1 comment:

  1. That's glorious news! We are currently in the paperwork process to adopt our 2nd daughter, Mylee, from China. I would love to hear from you. Check our our daughter Maci's blog.


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