Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Great Wall Of China

DH and I are very excited for the "some day" trip we will take together to our Chines Daughters birth country. One of the things we look forward to is our trip to the Great Wall Of China. We have commited to climb, the actual Wall part cannot be climed do to it running along a cliff... we will take the ski lift for that portion and then we will take the metal Alpine Slide all the way down. I know it will be an amazing experience and it just can't come soon enough. I have posted these awesome pictures that were taken by a man named Austin who is in China right now. (The first photo is of someone sliding down the slide, taken by Austin who was sliding behind him!) Check out the thousands of steps! Apparently the Chinese designed the steps to be very inconsistent so that if the enemy ever did overtake it, they wouldn’t be able to run or move quickly along the top of the wall because the steps were all different sizes. And oh my, the beaty of that view, Isn't it crazy to think, this wall, one of the most amazing and vast man-made structures in all history, just gets swallowed up by the magnificence and magnitude of the mountains and landscape it sits in. It took man thousands of years to build something that doesn’t even hold a candle to something God created in a split second. WOW! Amazing!


  1. I am leaving a comment in answer to your question to me on flickr, about the little pink shirt and pants you saw and liked! A girl shopper after my own heart! :)

    I bought that little outfit over a year ago on Etsy, an amazing seller, layette. She is a fabulous lady and even if it is not in her shop, I know she would go out of her way to do whatever she could for you.

    Check out her store at this link...

    Hope this helps. God bless you as you wait for your little one.

    Love, Jill xx

  2. To do the slide, you have to go to Mutianyu. Most agencies take you to a different part of the wall (Badaling), but you can ask for Mutianyu or hire your own guide to take you there.

    Congratulations on your referral!! She's gorgeous!!!

    Mary M. on China Heart Children and mama to 5, including Samuel, with HLHS

  3. I road the ski lift up, slide down when I was there last month. It was VERY fun :)


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