Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Flights are Booked!

Today we got confirmation that our Consolate appointment is on November 10th. So with that we were finally able to purchase our Airline tickets!
Leave Arizona 7:15am Thursday October 29th
Arrive Beijing 2:45pm Friday October 30th
Gotcha Day (The day we get our little girl) Monday November 2nd
Return Home Saturday November 14th.
We will get all of our detailed itinerary and inner China travel about 5 das before we go. My sweet friends are giving us a shower on the 25th, then 4 days later it off to China we go!
This weekend will be all about final preperations. Halloween costumes for the kids, plenty of candy for my mom to give out, Get Q's B'Day present since we will be in China for her Birthday, Load the freezer get grocery gift cards for my mom to use, pay all the bills, change the cell phone plans for travel, pack, arrange the rides and such for the kids, plan some play days for the youngest and so on. I don't think the time will go by slowly!!
Tomorrow I will post pictures of Lexi's room. It is absolutely adorable. Rylee and Cassidy did the wole thing. They picked everything in it themselves. They made the letter boards spelling her name by hand and designed the whole thing alone, every last detail. I just paid for it and let them go at it. I think it is darling and they had a blast doing it. Hope she likes PINK!


  1. Ohhhh!! Congratulations! Such an excited step to finally be booking those tickets! Yippee Jesus!!! <><

    And I cannot WAIT to see photos of her room. I love that the kids did personal and precious is that!?!

    Big Hugs,

  2. How exciting for you!!! Are you going to be blogging so I can follow along? I so want to go to pick up our little one..... In due time.

    That is so sweet that the kids decorated her room! I'm sure she will love pink.

    God speed Lexi!!

  3. So excited for you. Thank you for allowing me to relive our experience through yours. I also think its wonderful that your other children did their baby sister's room, that is very sweet. I am looking forward to seeing the room pictures.


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