Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Just 1 more sleep til CHINA!

No that's not a picture of Bryan in a wig!! But it is what we would look like if I didn't have this one bag weighing just 40 pounds restriction. Yes it is killing me, but ...deep breath... I can do it!
Well our bags are packed and we're ready to go! We're standing here outside the door, already we're so lonesome we could cry.... oh just kidding! I was just looking for a reason to quote those funny old lyrics. I remember my aunt listening to that song when I was just a tiny girl.
Well we are just about ready to go. We have a little packing left and a lot of organizing and so forth for the rest of the day. We are taking a shuttle to the airport because we leave so early. It's finally happening!!! Muahhh to all!


  1. Have a safe and fabulous trip!! Enjoy your new daughter!!

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