Saturday, October 31, 2009

Snow in Beijing!

We are stuck at the airport in Beijing due to lots and lots of snow! It is beautiful, freezing, and my crazy husband is wearing shorts and flip flops! Yes I wrote that right, I said he is wearing shorts and flip flops! He says its going to be warm where we are going! He is so funny! Everyone is staring and stopping to look at him.
It is amazing to think we are about 25 hrs from getting our daughter. Giving her hugs and kisses and zerberts and telling her we love her! We are riding the waves as they come and as long as we get a flight by tomorrow morning so we can get lexi on schedule then life is good. I am praying we can get internet working at our next hotel so you all can see photos! Otherwise its going to be postings from the blackberry. Love to all. Q,R,C,B we love you so much! Mom, thank you for everything.


  1. SNOWING?!!? Wow! I bet your hubby is definitely getting the 'looks' with his shorts and flip-flops. Sounds just like my husband. Too funny!!

    I got your email and just wanted you to know that I inquired with my friend who told me about the download. So as soon as I hear back from her I will send you the link so that you can get blogger to work while you are there!

    Praying for a SAFE flight to come that you can hold your daughter in your arms and give her LOTS of hugs and ZERBERTS, as scheduled!!


  2. Oh my goodness!!! I bet that was very unexpected!!! Snow now???? That is pretty funny about your husband in shorts and flipflops! I am cracking up....

    I hope you can send us some pictures. We will wait to see them though if it doesn't work out while in China.

    We are sending lots of prayers for a safe flight and lots of hugs!!!
    Soon she will be with you... I pray that she is an easy going baby and enjoy the moment with you.


  3. That's hilarious, had a similar experience in Switzerland. Classic.

    Praying for you guys the whole way, safe passage, easy paperwork, and a happy little girl.

    God bless.

  4. Brian I am with you bro, was wearing the same thing when we in Beijing and got the same looks, rock on and God Bless- RH


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