Saturday, November 21, 2009

Bye, Bye China

We are in the van on the way to the airport. Lexi woke up bright eyed and ready to shake her tail feathers at 3am. I thought she was just excited about going home but it turns out she is running a high fever and now the loosy poopsy's have kicked in as well. It's going to be a long 24hrs! These diapers could land us an entire section of the plane for ourselves. Yikes! My next post will be in 3 or 4 days from home!


  1. Hope she gets better and can sleep on the flight home.
    Have a safe trip!

    Alyzabeth's Mommy

  2. Happy Travels!!!

    Hope Lexi is feeling better soon...she will have quite the welcome party waiting for her, I'm sure!!


  3. Happy travels!! Hope you guys made it home with out accidents (no pun intended).
    Hope Lexi is feeling better. I have a sneaking feeling that you guys all got sick otherwise we would have heard from you by now....

    Take care! Happy belated Thanksgiving!



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