Saturday, December 12, 2009

1 month together!

We have been Lexi's parents for 1 month today! In this short little time she has filled our hearts with such joy and such love. She has filled our home with more laughter than we know what to do with. She has opened the doors of adoption to several families who have met her. She has brought our families closer, our friends closer, our lives are forever changed. I feel like we have always had her. Like she was born to us. It is funny because when we go out and the occasional person asks if she was adopted, at first I think..How did they know that??.. I forget that she is my Chinese daughter. I just look at her and see my daughter, my baby girl. She is so beautiful and the sparkle in her eyes is enough to take anyones breath away. We love her so much and thank God every day for the beautiful gift He has given us. The beautiful gift of adoption. Happy one month Gotcha Day Anniversary BabyCakes! Mommy and Daddy love you all the way to China and back.

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