Monday, February 15, 2010

oops! Sock give away

I get so many emails asking me where I get Lexi's little fluffy socks. Well I actually make them, she has them in lots of colors and we are stopped everywhere we go so her little socks can be observed. Winter is just about over for us here in Arizona so we will be out of socks and in sandals soon but I purchased all my "fluff" to make her socks in the next size and thought it would be a great time to offer a FREE PAIR to a follower! So... all you have to do is become a follower and leave a comment on my blog. It can be as short and sweet as "Pick me". If you are already a follower then all you have to do is leave a comment and you will be entered. Everyone's name will be put in a hat and one of my kids will pick the lucky winner on Feb. 28th . The winner can choose their sock size and fluff color choice. Colors I can make are Red, Pink, Purple, Teal, Rainbow, White, Black, Bright Yellow.


  1. What a fun give away. I would love to be included.

  2. So cute!! To bad we are having a boy! I guess I could give them away to someone else if I win!

    Would you be willing to donate a pr. or 2 for my auction site?

    : )

  3. Oh Oh Oh....pick me...pick me...pick me. Halainah would look so cute in your famous socks. I SUPER love them!

  4. I have been following your blog since you found your little Angel and would love to be entered in the sock drawing.

  5. I am still waiting for my baby from China and I am soooo sure she would look adorable in these. And we live in the east with very long winters so she would get so much use out of them. Please enter us into you giveaway! Thanks

  6. Oh, YAY!!! I love a good give-away...especially when it cute girly stuff that I could win for Khloe! Pretty sure she NEEDS a pair of these adorable socks! Do you make the matching hair clips, too?! Cute stuff!!!



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