Wednesday, April 21, 2010

5 Months Together!

Baby Cakes, you have been our child for 5 months now. You have given our family a whole new dimension. Loving you came naturally for all of us. We feel our hearts skip a beat at the thought of having you home, finally. You had no choice but to tolerate us, accept us, love us... but now you choose to love us. You choose to shake all over with excitement when you see me for the first time in the morning. You choose to dive in to my arms when I enter the room. You choose to grab my face, turn it towards yours and plant the biggest juiciest kisses all over my face. You choose to give your daddy the googly eye from across the room. You choose to call your sisters and brother by name and blow them kisses when they leave for school. You choose to love us and we are so overjoyed that you do!

We acknowledge and give thanks daily for the blessing God gave us as you truely are a miracle. Your life is a miracle, how you came to us is a miracle, your health is a miracle, and what you have overcome makes you a hero! I know your China mommy loved you. I know she did her very best to take care of you while you were in her tummy and those first 4 months you were with her. I know she must have cried an ocean the last day she saw your face. We will never know why or how or what happened exactly but one thing we will always know is that we love her so much because she gave you life. God chose her to carry you and he chose me to be your mommy. He put the 3 of us together in such a perfect way and he loves all 3 of us just the same. If I could see China mommy right now I would tell her thank you. Thank you for giving baby Lexi life, thank you for feeding her and loving on her for 4 months and thank you for taking her to a safe place that she could stay until we got to China to bring her home.

Our trip to China was nothing like we expected, it was filled with excitement, grief, more excitement, lots of love, some pain, a great deal more love, uncertainty, and some intense emotion. If I had to do it over I would not change one thing. Had we not accepted Hua's referral we would not have gotten our Lexi's referral. We went to China to get our daughter. We came home with a daughter, and a new little girl in China that we would sponsor and always love. As we celebrate 5 months with our baby girl Lexi, we also celebrate for Hua. You see she just had a birthday. She turned 2 years old. She was changed on the waiting child list to the correct special needs and... drum roll.... Sweet Little Hua has been matched!!!!!!!! That's right. We got word this week that her family has sent their letter of intent and they are doing what they need to be doing to go get their daughter and bring her home. Thank you Father God! Your hand has been in this from the beginning and you never ever miss a detail. I know that we are unworthy of any of the Grace you have had on us, Your Mercy we will never understand. We fall to our knees in humility as we look at all You have done and continue to do for our family and the life of Lexi and now the life of Hua. Thank you for getting these girls out of the orphanage. For giving Lexi a family and a place to call home. For now giving Hua a family and a place to thrive and grow and also call home. How Good You are, ALWAYS!


  1. Oh my....I wasn't expecting to cry tonight, but I did anyway. I am so glad that Lexie is doing great and I love keeping up with her. Maybe just maybe one day it will be our turn and we will see our daughters face. I will keep reading blogs and shedding tears until then!

  2. Oh wow. Tears here. Happy 5 mos anniversary with your precious baby girl! I remember clearly when we first 'met'. I don't remember how we came across eachother's paths, but it was sometime late last summer. I remember the unknowns and the anticipation as you waited to bring your Lexi home. I remember not understanding what was happening when you traveled, but from our personal emails, knew that there might be some reason for 'concern' even prior to your travels. So we prayed. I'm so glad that God brought you through the pain and that you still brought YOUR Lexi home. She was predestined to be your daughter from the start, only you didn't know it yet. Your journey didn't unfold in the usual way. But our God does not live in a box, and there is nothing "usual" about Him! To see Lexi now, thriving and blossoming in your family is just beautiful. And to remember Hua and the roll that God had you play in her life. Because of you she was properly placed on the correct needs list, and now to hear the great news that she is matched...oh PTL!!...God is GOOD! Hua is now soon to join the family that she, too, was predestined to be with. God always knew the outcome and I'm so glad He is allowing you to see her happy ending, too! What a joyous 5 month anniversary this has turned out to be for more ways than one! Glory to God!!! <><

    love and hugs,
    ~ Tanya

  3. And I just have to say, tears streaming down my face!
    God has a hand in all things....Thank you, over hot dogs at Church, sharing dear Hua's story. God's plan is nothing short of amazing. Hope we see you tomorrow!


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