Monday, April 19, 2010

catching up

so much catching up to do. I am going to be making a handful of posts with NO pictures in an attempt to catch up on details and then when I am done, or close to it :)~ I will post some pictures.
Backing up to March.... About a week before Easter my girl Cassidy got a terrible surprise. Shingles!! Yep it's true and no it's not an old person's disease, anyone who has had chicken pox can get Shingles. The younger you were when you had the pox and the lighter the case you had....the better chance you will get Shingles. Well Cassidy was only 4 weeks old and she had only 5 pox. So..... since you can catch Chicken Pox from someone with Shingles we figured there was NO doubt that Lexi would be getting Chicken Pox. She had just finished all her immunizations up to age, but....not the Chicken Pox one. That was the only one she had left. Well here we are, a month later and NO she did not get them!! Praise God!
On March 29th we visited out Orthodist Specialist and found out that Lexi's feet have nothing structurally wrong with them. We were told that she must have figured out how to hold herself up and carry weight with not near enough strength in her ankles and calves to do it correctly. So she trained her feet this way and we can train them back with some orthotics. She will have little orthotics that go in her shoes and she will need to wear them for 5-6 hours a day. We are getting them on the 19th of May. We will fly to Salt Lake City at 5am, spend the day there getting everything done that needs to be done and head back to Az that night.

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