Thursday, May 6, 2010

Arboretum in my dress from Cora

I took Lexi to the Arboretum today for the first time. She sniffled and sneezed and got red puffy eyes as soon as we began our hike! But overall, it was a very fun day.
Before we went to China I won a beautiful dress from Cora (who is still patiently waiting for her referral) on my blog. She sews these darling MJ look alike knot apron dresses. I got to pick the fabrics and then she made it. Well today Lexi is finally fitting in that dress and wore it for the first time. I thought the arboretum was the perfect place to photograph her in this special little dress. Isn't it darling!! The colors are stunning. Thank you Cora!!


  1. These are some precious pictures. She is such a doll.

  2. What a cutie! You got some great pictures, I am so happy the dress fits her. Thank you for sharing!

    Take Care,

  3. LOVE the dress! She really is a cutie.

  4. Those pics are beautiful! I thought that was a MJ dress for sure! Hope we see you Sunday, Happy Mother's day, our first with our Hunan babies!


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