Thursday, June 3, 2010

7 Wonderful Days!

With Grandma~
Watching for airplanes!

Memorial Day. Thank you all who serve or have served.

Getting ready to go in for dinner. This is before Lexi threw up birthday ice cream all over the birthday girl!! Poor Rylee!

So Happy to celebrate Rylee's Birthday!!

Playing at the Splash Pad

Being crazygirls, Swimming in our pool

Loves swimming with her big sisters and big brother

This is the darling face she makes when she thinks there
is going to be a big splash or a loud noise!

We had 7 wonderful days with Grandma and can I just say, Lexi ~LOVES~ her Grandma.
She is still very hesitant to go to anyone but her family (all the rest of our family is out of state, Grandma included) BUT...... She jumped right in her Grandmas arms when she arrived last Wednesday from Northern California. She knew right away who she was and she was soooo cute with her the whole week! My mom was here when we came from China, we then went to visit there 2 times and now my mom came back this week. The efforts to keep these 2 connected have far more than paid off! I love seeing these 2 together. My mom will stop whatever she is doing to play and love on Lexi. She brings her so much joy and loves her like crazy. We miss you already mom! Lexi went in the guest room this morning looking for you. She put her little finger on her mouth and said shhhhh, I guess she thought you were sleeping. When she saw the room was empty she did her little hmmmm sound that she does when she is looking for something or when you ask her where something is. It was so sad and so cute at the same time. I told her we will be going on the big airplane to see Grandma real soon!

It was a fun and very low key week. Did some sunflower planting, a big giant Birthday shopping day for Rylee, way too much eating out, a trip to IKEA, some sewing (well Grandma did anyway), lots and lots of swimming and MAN IS MY BABY TAN!!! She is like the coppertone baby! She has the most beautiful skin OMW if I could have just an ounce of the pigment please!!

1 comment:

  1. 7 days, 5 kids and a wonderful family!
    Lexi makes me just crack up!
    And Claire is wiped out from dance tonight....See you Sunday?


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