Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

There is no love like the love of a father. Bryan is such an amazing Daddy! He loves his kids so unconditionally. He loves to play with them and watch them do the things that are important to them. He encourages their independence and is always ready to cheer them on. He treats dance recital days like very special occasions and has never missed any of them. He loves when they fall on Fathers Day weekend (and they often do), saying that makes his Fathers Day the best ever!!! And he means it. He is so proud of all his girls. So proud of Q getting straight A's her first year at ASU. Amazing! And her new independence!
He's very much a "Go with the flow" kind of dad. He loves having a son and doing all these "boys only" things. They have so much fun together these two. Brady adores his dad and is so much like him.

He is so stinkin in love with his newest little peanut! There is nothing she can do to make him anything less than spilling with joy around her. When she looks at him it is with such awe of her daddy. And when he looks at her you feel his love for her. She say's DaDa and he melts EVERY TIME!!! She is becoming a Daddy's girl, it started a few weeks ago. It was her early father's day gift I guess. You see this daddy has been the most patient man on the planet waiting for her to realize what a special daddy she has here. And she see's it now! Boy does she see it. Today, all day it was "DaDa Go?" Every time he left the room. She follows him around and she shows off for him doing all the cute things she can think of and saying all her new words for him.

Here they are in China, just getting to know eachother. My how quickly 7 months has gone by. I wish I could freeze time and keep all my kids just where they are right now. We have so much fun in our house, all these kids, all different ages, all different stages. I fall in love with my family all over again every summer. Mostly because we all spend sooo much time together with there being no school and less sports. They really are spectacular kids! And Lexi gave us all reason to stop, slow down, and enjoy every moment. She brings us all even closer.
Thank you Bryan, for being such an amazing Daddy to our 5 children, for working so hard and making it possible for me to stay home and raise our children, for loving us all so much, and for listening to God when he told you that you had another daughter who was waiting for you in China. We all love you so much. Happy Father's Day!


  1. Great photos, and what a special Father's Day!

  2. Happy dad's day, thanks for making both dad's feel so special! Love our time with Shaelee and Lexi!


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