Thursday, July 29, 2010

Where did July go?

We are getting ready to leave for a week in the sand. Before we go I thought I'd do a quick post since I am behind.

I just love the little lips on my girl! She does the cutest things with them!
Look at all that hair....?

At this rate, we should be able to make pigtails by the time she is 10??

Lexi loves these little fur boots and she fits in them perfectly right now.
Too bad its 111* outside??

So when she wakes up in the morning we put
them on and use them like slippers.

We were blessed with some time away at our friends
cabin in Happy Jack . I fell in love with the amazing deck,
the view was breathtaking!

Lexi thought so too!

            They took us to the creek to do some crawdad fishing.

Brady thought it was awesome!
Lexi thought it was awesome!
She called them BUGS and made her classic noise kkkhhh...
(she makes this sound for anything she thinks is gross)

And before I knew it, everyone was dropping in a stocking
full of hot dogs in hopes of catching some little critters.

The weather was perfect and we had a wonderful time!

See you next time, AT THE BEACH!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pics! I love those skirts! I didn't have the crawdad picture and Quinn has been all over me....YOU took it! Have fun in the sun and sand! See you all when you get back.


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