Sunday, September 12, 2010

10 months together!!

What a wonderful 10 months it has been!  She is coming out of her shyness quite a bit too. Friday my friend Natalie came over. Lexi has not seen much of her , and especially in the past 6 months. Well she fell in love with Nat and even stayed home with her while I ran the girls to their overnighter at the dance studio!!! When I got home they were down in the basement having such a great time and she was right in Nat's arms!!! It was surely enough to melt this Mamma's heart to finally see my girl relaxing around other adults. She is letting her thick safety wall come down a little and I am so proud of her!
Lexi is also getting more grown up these days. Learning to whine :) (I caught her practicing in the mirror this morning when we were brushing our teeth) , learning about sharing (her big brother and sisters don't want her stuff and don't mind sharing theirs so this was all new to her.  We are having lots of play dates now and she is doing great! I can't wait till the day I see her just walk up to a child and give them whatever she has with a smile. When she has a struggle she is so quick to get over it and move on. If she cries it usually doesn't last more than 10 seconds. She really thrives on consistency so I try really hard to make no mean no and yes mean yes and not change it up on her. That just confuses her.

She really wants to communicate but she loves to sign (Lexi's own version of sign) what she wants. She would rather say, Mama..(grabs my hand) says PULL! LA!!(that's pull in Chinese) and then proceeds to pull me to the living room. She pats the ground where she wants me to sit and then she grunts and shows me how she is stretching and then she grabs my legs and puts them in the position that her legs are in and then  I am supposed to follow her in her little Yoga Class that she is putting on just for me. So I tell her, Lexi, you need to use your words to talk to Mommy. Say, Mommy Come here. She repeats, Here! No say Mommy... Come... Here.. Please. She says Please. Yep, it works for her! And, let's face it...she doesn't need to say the whole thing because she has all these siblings that can understand her just fine and will do anything for her at any time :) She has them wrapped so tightly around her little finger and she loves them so Out Loud that you can just feel it in your bones every time they walk in the door from school or where ever.

She is now sitting in her  Svan chair at the big table! We have removed the tray and seat bar and she sits with the rest of the family like a big girl. I was NOT ready to do this as it is very messy at times and she is still really small but she was having no part of being away from the regular table and asking to stand up in the big chairs at the big table to eat. It is working out really well, she eats better and for longer! 

She knows all of her colors and her favorites are Blue and Pink. She calls them Boo and Punk. She can drink water out of a regular cup as well as my 11 year old! She is very crazy about Kai Lan, Barney and The Big Comfy Couch (oldie, but Cassidy loved it so she wanted to see if Lexi would like it too). She loves it and I was able to find a DVD on line. Before that we were watching short clips on You Tube. She loves to go to Gymboree and Music class, the park, anywhere in the car she has lovingly named Blue. Her favorite food at the present time is Progresso Vegetable soup with spiral noodles. Favorite drink is Milk. She loves spinach in her ramen! She goes to Bed at 7pm and wakes up at 6 or 6:30am. She is a very quiet child. She doesn't cry or even call me when she wakes up. She just folds her blankies and sorts them until I come get her. Good thing we have a video monitor or we would never know she was awake. She does not like dolls yet but she loves to take care of her stuffed animals now so maybe dolls will be next. She loves to play pretend. She plays puppy! She loves to pretend cook and she is always cleaning up. She is so ready for a kitchen set, I hope I can hold off on that til her Birthday or Christmas. There have been days where I have been really tempted but I haven't chosen the set I want for her yet so that is what is saving me!

We love you Lexi!! Happy 10 months. You keep us young and you make our home a very happy one!!!

Ni Hao Y'all


  1. What a beautiful post about a very beautiful girl!!

  2. Love it!! What a sweet pic of you and your little sweetie!

    She is so precious!

    (Your hair is awesome too!!) I'm jealous!!

  3. Wow, beautiful post Mary, love the family picture!

  4. Wow, these pictures are beautiful!! Isn't it amazing how time flies with out girls!

    Gin =)


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