Sunday, October 17, 2010

Showered with gifts!

God has showered us with so many  gifts. The gift of Love, the gift of many new friends, the gift of health and miraculous healing, the gift of togetherness and the gift of forgiveness, the gift of family and the gift of hope, most importantly the gift of our salvation. The gifts continue to flow and we are so grateful. Tonight the gifts continued to flow as some very special people arrived in AZ. We had the honor of meeting them at the airport and having dinner together. Tomorrow we will probably all be bawling as we worship together and then share in the joy of a very special dedication at church. If you have followed my blog you have heard the story and will probably want to skip this post, if not, I will share it again.
When we were in Changsha waiting for Lexi, we were skyping with our kiddos back home. Our son told us that they had prayed for us at church that day and when one of the kids heard that his parents were in China getting his baby sister he said that his parents were also in China getting his sister! Well you know kids say things and China is a pretty big place and we hadn't had much sleep those past few days so we kind of went "oh uh huh neat" thinking, really what are the chances... Well that next day we got our baby girl and while were playing in the famous Dolton Hotel Play Room, I got bold and asked  a group of people also playing inside if any of them were from Arizona. Sure enough one woman said yes! And sure enough she was from our church!!! She was so lovely and so kind and we became fast friends. She is now a dear dear friend and it is because of her daughter that Diana is here visiting. The little girl that my new friend (Jill) adopted was next  door neighbors (the girls were both in foster care) and best friends with the little girl that Di adopted. These women met because Di was one of the sponsor that made Foster Care possible for Jill's daughter and was also interested in adopting her. God used Shaelee, Jill's daughter, to lead her to her daughter (Sienna). When an updated photo arrived to one of these mom's and both girls were in it, it was incredible!! These girls love each other so much and they are still able to see each other and keep a piece of their past! That in itself is a miracle! Di had hoped to adopt Shaelee, Jill had already locked her file. Then the Lord then led her to Sienna, and she understood that this was his plan all along and it was a very very good plan. One that was God breathed and God orchestrated. Sienna is such a gift. Oh if you could see this child in person. Who would think that with pictures like the beauties that Di takes, this child could be even more gorgeous in person? Well she is! Her eyes will make you butter in her hands. Seriously I would not be able to discipline this child!!! She is just stunning, sweet sweet sweet and precious! And Ruby, oh little Ruby is CUTE in all CAPS!!! I think she might just be pictured in the dictionary next to the meaning of the word cute! Yes sir ee she could just light up the room when she smiles. In fact she did when I told her there was one more dumpling on my side of the table! Oh what a fun week we are in for!

Ni Hao Y'all


  1. Really special story and snapshot!

  2. Oh Mary, I love that story! I hope you have a wonderful week visiting with Di and her precious girls.

    Di and I were in Changsha together for our adoptions. They are such a special family!! Give them big hugs for me!!

    I so want to come visit some time.

  3. What an amazing story!! And wonderful that you are all able to maintain a connection/friendship!

  4. Thanks for your sweet post Mary!! What a blessing to know that falling in love with your family was part of Gods Red Thread story for us too! Thanks for blessing us in your beautiful way!!

  5. Very sweet post my fiend. We are so grateful to have met you and your family.


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