Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thinking ahead, 2 months and 4 days til Birthday

Beacause I'm pretty sure This Guy misses his number 1 fan.... We are going to Disneyland for Little Lexi's 2nd Birthday! We will celebrate here on her real day, (I think we are going to do a gymboree party)  and head to Disneyland a few days later when the kids get out of school. I know it will probably be crowded since it is Christmas time but we will have plenty of time there so I'm not too worried. Anyone else ever traveled there really close to Christmas??? The closest we have ever been is November.


  1. What a great birthday plan! She is so cute!

  2. Oh what fun!! We were to DisneyLand over Spring Break once, and it was C'RAY'ZEEEEEE!!! (that would be a drawn-out "crazy!" ;) Anyway, we swore we'd never do it again. We're talking an avg wait of 1-2 hours for pretty much everything. Hopefully Christmas is not that bad. What a fun way to celebrate a VERY special birthday! I'm so happy for you all!!'s amazing to see where God has brought you over the past year. That is worth a celebration of it's own!! <><

    Big Hugs,

  3. That is the cutest video clip! Sounds like she's gonna have a great birthday.

    Gin =)


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