Thursday, November 11, 2010

One year ago I held my baby Lexi for the very first time

Today is Lexi Day!!! One year with our blessing from China. Today is all about you sweet girl!

Lexi Jade, it has been one year since you were placed in my arms. One year ago, we were merely strangers. You looked at me with your gorgeous eyes, you sized me up a bit, and then you allowed me to feed you a bottle and hold you close. It was as if you knew I was your mommy right away and you were just patiently waiting for me to get to you. Daddy and I were given a miracle from God, a miracle made in China! You are the sweetest, funniest, most gorgeous little blessing this family could have ever wished for. You filled our family with just what God had planned for us. Your big sisters and big brother love you with such a great big LOVE . Your Grandma and Aunties and Cousins and Friends can not imagine our family without you, they adore you and love you so much. Every night, as I rock you in your pink room before I lay you in your crib, I thank God for this precious child he has trusted me with and allowed me to call my own. You bring smiles and laughter and joy to my every day. You have taught me to stop and smell every flower, watch every ant crawl by, listen for every airlplane and train and car and truck. You gave me hope, you teach me patience, you have taught us all so much about unconditional love and I am so blessed that you have chosen to love us. We love all love you baby!!

Thank you Diana, ~DIJO~ for taking these amazing photos of my
sweet baby L, you are amazing!

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  1. She is just beautiful and you are so lucky! Blessings

  2. Your slide show brought me to tears!
    What a beautiful tribute to such a special little girl. She is so blessed to have you and Brian and your family! Love you guys! Both of our families are so blessed to have such sweet girls from Hunan.

  3. Happy Lexi Day!!

    I just think she is the cutest thing ever! I love that bald head!! So cute!!!

  4. Good golly, she's georgeous! And the new pictures are amazing. Happy one year with your little blessing.

    Gin =)

  5. Beautiful pics! Lexi is pure cuteness! Happy Lexi Day!


  6. I just love my baby girl! I wanted to jump through the screen to grab her for a hug and shower her with kisses. Wish we were going to be together for the holidays. Miss you all so much!
    Love, Auntie Kim

  7. Good grief, I have missed a lot!!!!! PRECIOUS girl!!!!


  8. Oh wow... I definitely missed a couple of BIG posts!!

    Reliving these moments with you through your photos! From the last couple of posts, to the video tribute, my tears runneth over!! I remember so clearly following your journey and then your travels. WOW...when I think back to all that God has brought you through, to the precious little girl who just celebrated her 1st Gotcha Day Anniversary, Her 2nd Birthday and 2nd Christmas home... Only HE could order such a perfect fit for your family!! She is just blossoming and I loved watching the video and remembering those first moments, and celebrating her first year home. What a precious tribute. And how priceless to have a friend in her SWI the VERY WEEK you celebrate 1 year... let alone the photos she was able to bless you with! God is GOOD!

    Happy (now 'belated!) 1 year Gotcha Day... your journey has really just begun. PTL!! <><

    love and hugs to a VERY special family and their precious little princess!! <><



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