Tuesday, November 30, 2010


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and spending 4 days together was really so needed and so appreciated!
We had the Crago's and the Flores' to celebrate with.
Our oldest went to California to be with Grandma and the rest of the family.
We sure missed her! We missed A too :)

The weather was fantastic, and since then it has been freezing! Yep in AZ!

My silly girl!
I can't believe how coordinated this little peanut has
become in the last 3 months!

She is up and down stairs no problem

She can run really fast!  And she can jump really high with
both feet off the ground! Really high!

Sadly, ...sigh... while I was snapping this photo she wacked her
tiny little mouth on this pole :(

Her top teeth made her bottom lip bleed and the pole made
her top lip bleed :(
And while Mommy pouted, she licked it, kissed her hand
and pressed it against her lip, and walked down the steps!

The End :)


  1. Just when I think she can't get any cuter, she proves me wrong! I love her outfit.

    Gin =)

  2. So cute! Glad to hear you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!



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