Sunday, December 26, 2010


We spent a super fun week at Disneyland, arriving home the night before Christmas Eve. It was a little chaotic getting home that close to Christmas but it all worked out! Disneyland was beautiful and due to the fact that it rained and rained and rained the entire time we were there...... we walked on rides all week long, no wait! But... I have very few pictures because it was too tough trying to deal with cameras in the rain :(  When I did get photos we had terrible lighting so they aren't so great!
We did make lots of wonderful memories though and that's what matters right.

Best Pals, they were butter in her hands.

We had another Birthday Celebration!

But she was NOT going to wear this silly hat for it!

Brady and Dale

Lexi and Dale

Best Bud Goofy

She would not leave poor Pluto alone. She even sobbed Crocodile tears when he had to go!

Goofy brought her a special cupcake with a candle.

She is still completely clueless as to what a princess is...
She posed politely but she was very quick to tell them goodbye :)

On the way out that evening, Santa had just arrived!

He let Lexi try out his sleigh!!

She loved the pretty packages!

And then...... She tried to steal Santa's cookies!!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun way to spend your holidays! :) Loved all the photos and catching up on your little pumpkin... she is just too sweet!


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