Friday, January 21, 2011

Crazy January!

January starts the craziness of competition season in the Sammons house. The girls have competitions and conventions as well as countless hours of rehearsals now through April. Brady has 1about every 3 weeks. So starting about a week ago, every time there is any free time, my girls and usual several other girls can be found sitting at my dining room table to their knees in rhinestones. The costumes are covered in rhinestones and the studio owner has Rylee bring some of them home to help with the ~bling~ portion of the costume creations!! There have been more pizzas delivered to my house and more Subway orders placed these past 2 weeks than we probably normally do in several months. I love that the girls love to volunteer our house for things, the memories we make doing things like this will never be forgotten. I know some people think I'm crazy, but I love having gobs of teen and pre teen kids in my house. Twice a year when the high school company dancers hold their big production a big group of girls come here to get ready for the show. We make a big deal of it, put out a big spread of drinks and finger foods and they all talk about it all year long. It is the sweetest thing how much they appreciate it and look forward to it. Don't you just love kids!!! Big or small they are just so much fun! Any way, all is well and busy around here so we don't have much to post. Just trying to journal whats going on so I don't look back and think we just sat and ate bon bons all of January! Our weather has been gorgeous!! I am hoping it gets cold again after this weekend. The kids are off of dance next weekend and I'd really like to take the family up to the cabin for some BIG SNOW!! According to Lexi, she has only seen small snow (she is right). I'll leave you with some pictures... that you probably already scrolled down to see because you really don't care about all this boring stuff ~:)
Loving her princess motorcycle!

Silly girl! She is such a happy baby! I know she's 2...but still my baby!

This is what I found, as well as a little girl with a chocolate covered mouth, when I got off the phone today!!

Taking care of her pal.

Always crazy about boots!

Every day it is a new thing she is stacking. She can make a mean tower, like if I give her a chair she will climb up and down stacking till she cant reach any more! We do have real blocks by the way.

I have a very special post to make about a very special package that came to us from Canada today, so be sure and check back!

1 comment:

  1. awhhh Mary ~ you are SUCH a good mama!! Your family is blessed to have you! I love your attitude about kids, and how you welcome the whole group into your home. And rather then fretting over the hassle of it, you embrace it with open arms and loads of finger food ...just what every teenager wants! I had a close friend growing up who's parents were just like you, and they will ALWAYS hold a very special place in my heart! What wonderful memories you are providing for your girls and their friends!! Enjoy this busy 'bling' season and DO post photos... I {heart} me some bling!! ;) What can I say, I like girly things!

    Lexi is as ADORABLE as EVER. I love her TP blocks! SO much more fun then the standard wooden blocks. And it UNRAVELS into MILES of fun, too!! ;)

    Have a blessed weekend! <><



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