Sunday, February 13, 2011

Love: Day 13

Bryan and I celebrated Valentines Day today. We figured it would be a lot more fun to celebrate all day since tomorrow is a weekday. He woke up early and went to Starbucks, then came home and set up the sweetest little area with my coffee, my card and gift, and today's paper. Then he set out gifts for all the girls, tagged with their names by each one. It was so sweet! He took Brady shopping with him and told him that Valentines day is a girls holiday and so the male should treat the females he respects with special treats and special affection that day. So Brady bought candy for all of the girls and added it.
We went to church and then Bryan and I went out while the girls took care of Lexi. We went to dinner and later saw a movie. We saw True Grit and I have to say it was really good! I chose it for Bryan, but loved it myself!
I love this new camera bag!!!

Saying So Long to my scary backpack was wonderful.


  1. What a great day to be pampered!!! So special! LOVE your new camera bag!!! Happy Valentine's day!
    blessings and joy!

  2. LOVE the new bag. Showed my husband and hoping he got the hint :) Mine is in the diaper bag most of the time because i haven't gotten a bag:(


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