Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Love: Day 8

Any one who's met me knows I LOVE to shop!! I'm still training Lexi to be my little shopping buddy and so far it's not going so good. She starts saying HOME :( after about 2 minutes in the store! We are working on it but so far, no success! I know my sweet hubby wishes he could say that this has saved us loads of money but all it's really done is taught me to be a really awesome on line shopper. And let me tell you,  there are a lot of great deals to be found on line!!! And that's another thing I Love, a great deal!!

This is my great find from Black Friday! It has been a huge hit with LJ and today she is discovering all the ways to ride it??

Thank goodness she isn't pushing the button while doing this!

She is such a little clown these days, loves to make people smile and laugh!

Look at me Mommy!

It was supposed to be 65* today but I think we were closer to 70*

Hard to stay inside with this weather. We love this time of year, wish it was year round.

I guess it doubles as a barre?

There was a package at my door today that made me REALLY excited for Valentines Day!!! I have the absolute ugliest, back pack style, dysfunctional, huge   gigantic camera bag you have ever seen in your life! This package is going to change all that, ahhh I can hardly wait!


  1. SO adorable!!! I wonder if your package was the same as my package! I just got a Kelly Moore red hobo bag and LOVE it!!! :) Can't wait to see yours!!!
    Blessings and Joy!


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