Tuesday, April 12, 2011

3 Hunan Spicy Girls!

 We had the pleasure of hanging out with 2 big girl friends today. Our 3 little Hunan Spicy girls swam and went on a ladybug hunt. It was hilarious watching 2 year old Lexi help these girls to not be afraid of ladybugs as she hunted them down and let them crawl all over her! I am saving those pictures for Sunday Snapshot post so be sure and check back, they are so cute!!
Loving this Zero entry pool at the Y!

She was absolutely in heaven having such shallow water. And she used the potty all day!


  1. First...I will comment on how cute they all are! I know you're enjoying Sienna!!

    Second...POTTY?!?!?! I can't even comment because it won't be very nice ;) lol... Let's just say I must be the world's worst potty training parent!!!

  2. Darling photos of the girls!!!and had no idea Sienna was coming to see you~ JOY!!! :)
    And GREAT job Lexi!!!

  3. Too Funny!!!! And TOO CUTE!!!!! Lexi, way to teach those big girls how to be brave!!! I will admit, we aren't into bugs (of any kind) around here!!!

    LOVE all three bathing suits!! And, I love that tall girl!

    I miss my Spicy One!

    Thanks for loving on her for me!

  4. Cute girls love the swimsuits! Awesome about the potty she is such a big girl!


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