Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Bored out of my mind!

I love the part of summer that means loads of time with my kids, trips to the beach, sleeping in and staying up late. I love swimming and traveling and cooking outside every night. But, for some reason, this year I am just bored out of my mind. We missed out on our beach trip due to the competition in Vegas, its a million degrees outside and I'm tired of it already, one can only swim so much without getting bored of that too and yes your right.... I'm having a pity party!! Truth is, I need to be busy ALL the time! It's what keeps me sane. And even though there really is plenty I could be doing, my wheels are turning and I'm going no here! Sigh.... I just really want to be at the beach right now!
All that aside, sniff sniff, getting over it now! We do have a trip up to the cabin planned and that will give me a break from this horrid heat!! We have some visitors coming while their mommy and daddy head to China to bring home their precious baby sister so there will be plenty of fun going on during that time. (Lexi loves Max and Ruby and when I tell her Ruby our friend the girl, not the bunny is coming to visit she says Roo Bee and Max!) So she might be in for a little shock when she sees Ruby is NOT a bunny and Max is NOT coming with her!
In another month we will have our oldest moving out of state, another starting at ASU, Cassidy will be a Sophomore, and Brady starts Junior High! And Miss Lexi has all sorts of fun things set up to start this school year, I'm so excited for her! She loves to be busy like her mommy.


  1. I completely get the bored thing... there is only so much swimming one can do. I try to stay busy doing something in the house but that is not fun stuff. :) Hope your plans are fun!!!

  2. I'm with ya!! The things that need to be done...I have no interest in doing.

    PS...I'm hoping I'm playing with Ruby's mama in China while you're playing with the cuties!!!

  3. I am so glad I am not the only Mom that feels this way! July sure seems to drag and the countdown to back to school still seems far away. I love watching you come in late with your little muffin to church each are all so beautiful.

  4. Please feel free to come over to our house...we could use a little boredom! Lexi looks too too cute.

  5. I have an idea!! Get to MSP and I will have plenty to keep you busy until August 6th!!!! :) I seriously had to ask a friend to buy my school supplies because I can't quite fit that in.... Wish you were here!!! You are exactly what I need!!!!! Ruby and Sienna will be excited to spice up your life for 2 weeks!!! Your pool looks pretty inviting to me!!!!

    Hugs from MN!


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