Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Vegas Baby!

We spent the past week in Las Vegas, the girls were competing at Nationals for Star Systems. It was soooooo HOT!!
We took Lexi to the Secret Garden to see the Dolphins and White Tigers. She loved it!! We were no quite as impressed especially since it was 112 degrees!!

I'm pretty sure the Las Vegas strip is one of my least favorite places in the world..... and with kids??? No way! So we just hung out, watched an awful lot of dancing and took the kids to a few fun places. By Saturday I was soooooo ready to come home!!

Lexi on the other hand thought Las Vegas Rocked.... She loved the loud music, the bright lights, the never ending dance competition, the hotel rooms, the constant together time and the monorail! When we were heading to the car on Saturday I told her we were going home and to say good bye to Vegas and she said, " More Vegas!" 

Last year we went to nationals in California. We packed diapers, bottles, pack&play.... this year, exactly one year later we packed panties, the ipad and polly pockets! Potty training Lexi was such a breeze, we said we ran out of diapers so we aren't going to use them any more we are just going to put all the potty in the toilet. She said, Kay!! She was 100 % potty trained by the 2nd day. Pull ups at night, good thing, since she is still in a crib!

We made it home just in time to celebrate the 4th. And my new son in law got to come home for the weekend to be with his new bride. Lexi would not let him out of her site!
The newly weds!
Practicing for the circus!

Hope you all had a blessed weekend and a terrific 4th!


  1. So cute! I love her comment on "more Vegas"!! lol...

    I'm not even going to comment on the potty might not be nice :) lol..

  2. Never been to Vegas but sounds fun~ Lexi seemed to love it! How great about the potty training!!! So glad you all had a great 4th!!!

  3. Love seeing the adorable outfits Lexi is wearing. She has got to be the cutest dressed kiddo. Yeah for potty training. Gonna start soon when this mom can get her act together :)

  4. I am Joy, nice to meet you! I found your blog through a friends post. You have a beautiful family and your daughter is too cute!
    Stop by for my Thursday's Tea party- Love to have you over!-Joy

  5. Haha! "More Vagas!" The girl is so smart and SO pretty!

    Happy (belated) 4th of July!

  6. Thank you for joining us at tea. Your comment was so touching and honest. I will publish it for other Moms to read that are dealing with strange questions concerning adoption. Hope to hear from you again soon.-Joy


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