Saturday, July 30, 2011

How Hot is it?

It was 100* at 10:20pm Wednesday.

We are off to cooler temperatures and sooooooooo excitied about that. I don't know why I'm  so much less tolerant of the AZ weather these past few years? I think it is because little ones need outside play time and we just can't have much of that right now. Lexi overheats and throws up if we are outside too long. Anyway, I'm thrilled that we will be able to go for walks and play outside!!! AND take lots of pictures!!!
You see, when it's this hot outside....... my cute 2 yr old model does this when asked to take a picture

See ya mommy! I'm not melting out here with you!
Thank you everyone for the excellent suggestions on the stepping stools for kids!!! I loved every comment and email and checked out each one.
We ending up choosing one from here:
 They had the biggest selection and the tallest models. Thank you Sarah! And thank you everyone!
oh real quick.......
Has anyone seen this????

It's called the learning tower and I sooooooo want it for Lexi!
It would be so nice for baking together and making a mess
helping with the dishes! Lexi loves to be in the kitchen helping but sitting on the counter isn't good and standing on a chair that's not really high enough anyway isn't safe. Sooo I have had my eye on this since last winter but she was only 12 months at the time. Now I see it again and so want it but do I really NEED it? Will we get 200 dollars of use out of it??? Will it be in the way when not in use?
So, anyone out there have one of these? Do you love it? Are you glad you got it? Talk to me :)


  1. Oh how I love those pants!!! So cute!!
    I have had the same thoughts about that stool. I'll be curious to see what others say.

  2. I think the salsa twins have something like that, so cool! As always, Lexi is ADORABLE!!!


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