Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The most beautiful days!

It has been quite a ride here in the desert! A fun and wild ride!
Having 11 kids all together is like having a never ending party!
And we LOVE never ending parties!
Especially when it involves all these cuties!!

Tomorrow is Cassidy's last day home for the afternoon fun :( She starts school on Wednesday. She is none too happy about that!
 I am sure the Little's will miss attacking her in the pool!!
 Up until now just the day play has been at my house, but tomorrow the sleepovers will start here and we can't wait!
 Sienna is FEARLESS!!! Check out the belly dives she was doing today! Is that cute or what?
 She always made sure Cassidy was ready to catch her. This girl swallows a lot of salt water!!!
                       Look at sweet Shaelee's jump, Sienna wanted
                   to help Cassidy catch her BFF! So sweet!

 Having these girls around, seeing my Lexi just fall in love with little Ruby, it has given me clarity. My girl needs a sister her age. She is 10 years younger than her brother. She will be an only child. She needs someone to have tea parties with and play house with! She will never have what our other kids have without a sister her age. She loves these girls being here! She shares her mommy and her sisters and her brother without a fuss. She shares her toys, her home her pool, she loves that they are here.
And it's no wonder why! They are the SWEETEST girls!!! And they are so loving. They are sooooo excited about their new baby sister and they are going to be the best big sisters Emme could ever have wished for!
Lexi was so excited to give these hippo pillow pet sleeping bags to the girls for a late B-Day surprise! The one in the back that is not open is for Miss Emme! I can't wait to see Lexi and the girls all snuggled up in these tomorrow night for Lexi's first sleep over, but more than that, I can't wait to see a picture of the 3 sister's cuddled up in them when Emme comes home!!!


  1. This is SO precious!!! I know Sienna and Ruby are having a BLAST!! You have given Diana such a gift...knowing her girls are being loved and cared for half a world away!! What an amazing gift!!

    I am so excited that Lexi will have another sister one day soon! That is exactly why we decided to go back. Wesleigh would have been an only child...and I can't even phathom that! It is amazing to see how God works in our lives!!

  2. Mary,
    Tears in Nanjing over seeing this post. I am so thankful for you... Your servant heart is an inspiration to me. And, my girls are so blessed to know you and your sweet family. Please tell Cassidy I am so grateful for her help. Perhaps she needs a Minnesota Summer Nanny job!!! My evening went so much better with Emme. I know it is because of your amazing prayers! Thank you!!! I LOVE the sleeping bags. And, the girls must have been so excited about their party!!! So much to say thanks for.. I will never do it properly!
    Thank you for LOVING S&R! I miss them so much!


  3. P.S: I was just thinking about how amazing God's timing always is.. That Ruby is there confirming your hearts desire for Lexi to have a sister close to her age!!! Nothing by chance my friend!


  4. Hi Mary! Wish we were at that never ending party. I have two girls who would love to be along for the ride! Each picture is cuter than the next! I know Ruby and Sienna are having a great time and I also know Di is forever grateful to you and Jill! Enjoy your days with all of those beauties!!

  5. Hi Mary.I am one of Di's friends. What a special gift you are giving her and her family. The girls all look like they are having SO much FUN!!!!

  6. What a fun time you all are having. So jealous of all these wonderful families that are adopting again and in China or going to China. Could there be another in your future. We will be praying for your sweet family that God will reveal his plans for you.

  7. Hi Mary!
    I am so glad to see that Lexi is enjoying the time with Sienna and Ruby as well as Shaylee. So, sweet of you to help with the girls wil Di is on China! Wish we were there! Jon Jon could use some play time. Gabby is at that ackward age and not really into playing with him.

    Oh what a blessing that would be for Lexi to have another sister!
    God will provide you with your dreams!


  8. You are a precious friend!!! What a blessing for Di to go to China knowing her babies here are having such a great time!!! LOVE every single photo!!! I too am excited that God has put another child in your heart!!! EK would be lost without SJ! Can't wait to see how it all unfolds!!! Blessings!

  9. Oh Mary ~ what a FUN post! To have followed your story since before you traveled to China, and also to have followed Di and Jeff's story since they brought home sweet Ruby Mei, then Sienna and now Emme ~ and to watch and see how God has intertwined these red threads and connected everyone together in such a special way, just melts my heart. Only HE could write something so perfect and wonderful! I'm still amazed at how He used one (Shaelee) to show them another... and then His amazing faithfulness and gift to connect their mamas so they could stay friends. It gave me goosebumps just thinking of those two BFF's spending Sienna's birthday together, knowing it was not their first! God is GOOD!!

    And it makes me even happier to hear you say how this experience has solidified in your heart that you need to go back again! (me, too, friend... me, too!!) Oh how fun it will be to see Lexi with a sibling closer in age. My heart feels the same as yours does, and I know Khloe needs that close-in-age sibling relationship, too. She is constantly asking for a mei mei of her own!

    You'll be happy to know that the humidity has finally lifted here in Minnesota, so your travels should be comfortable! It has been just beautiful here these past couple of days. I still can't stand knowing you will be so close, but I know your time here is busy and short. You'll just have to come back and visit again one day, and Khloe and I will drive down and meet you, too!!

    God bless and thank you for being a vessel that God is working through to bless those precious girls... like Di said, you have such a servant's heart and it is very inspirational to see Him working through you and your beautiful family! I know it will be returned unto you 100 fold!! <><

    Love and Hugs,
    ~ Tanya

  10. I had to come back this morning for a Sienna and Ruby fix! I miss my sweet girls!!!

    Please give them a hug and a kiss from their Mama!!!



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