Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Learning Tower

Let me tell you how much we LOVE this product!!!!!
We mentioned that we had our eye on it for a while but had not made the plunge to actually get it. Well, with a little hunny who loves to help in the kitchen, loves to do all things standing up and loves to hang out with the bigs around the kitchen island.... we really NEEDED this :)
Put in action from the second it arrived!

Making Rainbow Cake!

Made from scratch 100% by herself!! And no shells
in the batter! Impressive!

   So the final say is, if you were wondering if this was worth the money, Yes! And I wish I had purchased it 6 months ago. Also, it has an adjustable base so it grows with your child. Right now we have it on the tallest level for Lexi. As she grows or if she is using a table that is lower, we can bring the base down for her. Wonderful Wonderful product, go get one!!!



  1. So so sweet! Love that she made that pretty cake all by herself! Amazing. The apron is too girly girl! Do they make big girl sizes?

  2. I wish I had the room for one, but Lilah just stands on a kitchen chair. Your beautiful girl is such a great little baker!! That cake looks yummy!


  3. She is growing up way too fast!! Blessings

  4. Just love the sweet aprons they sell now. We found one for Faith in Victoria B.C. and she just loves it and cooking. Love the cake!


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