Sunday, September 25, 2011

Mama I Do My Self!

                  She is really enjoying her new found Independence!

And I love watching her find it!

 She told me this week that I could not go to school too because I am too big.

 We got the backpack from Etsy! So cute, perfect for Pre-School

 After school my low key kiddo is exhausted so she needs to make herself a glass of what she calls Choc Milk
 Everything must be done by herself these days!
 And she is so proud when she does things like this herself.
 She is very careful not to make a mess!
 Too bad my pantry door was open.... nice background??
 Taste Test



  1. She is precious! Got to love some independence:)

  2. She is just too adorable. Got to love our Hunan beauties. I do have a question. I noticed her little necklace. It is adorable and would love to get one for my Carissa. Would you mind letting me know where you got it?

  3. PRECIOUS!! Where did you get her necklace? I love it.


  4. So cute! Would love to know about the necklace too:)

  5. Such a sweet post~ LOVE that you are allowing her to do things for herself~ such a confidence booster!!! I have a do it myself girl here too~ precious to watch them blossom. Blessings and still praying!!! XO

  6. love her Toms! My little just got the same pair in silver.

  7. Love these photos of your sweet little miss Independence! Especially the shot of her tasting her milk - she is so sweet!!!
    Sara :)


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