Friday, October 7, 2011

Got Love?

                              We sure do!!!

It is amazing how much our little blessing is talking! Talking and talking and talking. She never stops talking. It is so much fun listening to the things she says and the funny adorable way that she makes tones with her voice just like Chinese language. She is really in to letters right now and she knows almost all of the sounds that go with each letter. Tonight I was wearing a pair of VS Pink sweats. She was standing behind me poking the letters and saying look mama P, ppp I iii N nnn K kkk! It is amazing to me. And she loves crafts so she is forever at the table with a bottle of glue and construction paper. Today she said she was making Birthday presents. I told her Quincie's birthday was coming soon and she said, "Oh mama, Queesee gonna be sooooooo happy! She did the same thing when we put a package in the mail for her earlier this week. All the way to the post office, "Queesee gonna be soooooo happy!" She has been asking to lead in her bed time prayers for the past several weeks. Cutest thing on the planet hearing the sweetest 2 year old voice in prayer. She folds her hands and squints her eyes and says, " Dear Jeeze, Thank you a mama, dada, ry ry, Cass, Buba, Queesee, Grama, Auntie Kim, Aunt Nat. Pweeze fix Ibee's broken heart, bring her home from China. Amen"
I love this little girl with every ounce of my heart. She has the sweetest soul, the sweetest heart. She gives thanks for everything ALL day long. She is precious in every way and she gives more to us than we could have ever thought possible. She is a gift, a blessing, a joy to love!

Now, in case you are wondering where you can get this adorable shirt? Go here
This family is adopting from Korea and this shirt is part of their fundraising. I love it because not only are we helping bring another child home by purchasing them (my entire family is getting one!) We are also publicly sharing the beauty of adoption. James 1:27  calls us to care for orphans in distress and to take on a missionary attitude. This world is a broken place in need of hope, healing, and love. And baby, we've got love! We've got Hope, and thanks to Him, we've got healing. There will come a  day when there will be no more suffering and no more oppression. Until that day, we will press on. We will Love and we will bless and we will be blessed. We will bring Ivy home and there will be even more Love, even more Hope and even more Healing (lot's of healing please Lord) And seriously, come on, who could look at this little sweetheart in this shirt and not be nudged to consider adoption?

Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me

Break my heart from what breaks yours
Everything I am for your kingdoms cause
As I go from nothing to



  1. Oh my! Love these sweet photos of your precious girl! And I love the message in your post even more!!! Adoption is such an incredible blessing and gift! Thank you so much for sharing this!!!
    Sara :)

  2. PRecious precious baby and prayer! I am praying for Ibee's heart too! Blessings and love to you all! XO

  3. Okay, Ms.Lexi totally rocks this shirt:) What a little model :)

  4. Love everything about this post... from the sweet words your little Miss is saying now, to her praying (oh my heart!...what a hunny!!) and that adorable t-shirt she is wearing... I've been wanting to order those myself, but kind of forgot. Love it!!

    Adoption IS such a blessing and your little Lexi is a great spokes model!!



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