Thursday, October 13, 2011

Ivy, we love you baby!

Yesterday, while we slept, my new sweet friend Jennifer took a little trip.
She and her husband adpoted their baby girl just a few days ago. She happens to be from the same orphanage as Ivy! They were roomies!! And yesterday, they took the trip back to the orphanage to say goodbye, thank the nannies who cared for their princess for 13 months, and..... get a peek at our girl!!
 They call this one of the top 5 orphanages in China, a model orphanage if you will. I can see why!
 Looks like it was a rainy wet dark day.

Inside, it was nap time for all the babies.

The model of the orphanage is in the flooring inside the loby of the oprhanage
I think my sweet girl was very unhappy about being awakened from her nap! To see first hand, where she sleeps, where she spends her days and nights, oh my heart!

And though my heart is saying oh my, sweet baby Ivy was saying oh why!!! Can't a girl get some un interupted sleep around here?

Looks like she is giving the *look* to whoever it was that woke her!

But, happy or sad.... this baby girl just takes my breath away!


  1. Oh Mary!! I teared up looking at these pictures!! So beautiful,so precious! I can't wait for you to go get that sweet baby cakes and bring her home and help heal her little heart :) Sending you lots of love and prayers!

  2. Wow! What a special gift to get those precious photos. That orphanage looks amazing. happy or sad you are right she is beautiful.

  3. Takes mine away too and what a beautiful place~ the nanny looks precious too. I know how this makes your heart feel. Seeing her just makes your heart hurt more for her. She is more than beautiful!!! Your connection to this family that visited will always be such a special one and what a gift they were able to give you. I think I will look at these many times today and as always, I am praying for this precious baby!!! and you and your family as you wait. Blessings and love! Sharon

  4. Well am I ever glad I found your blog
    such a beautiful place to visit
    and those girls of yours are just beyond precious!!!
    Puts new meaning in the word adorable:)
    So sweet to get those pics of precious Ivy!
    Can't wait to see her in her momma's arms

  5. Oh Mary ~ thank you for the note and the heads-up... your sweet Ivy takes my breath away, too!! Oh, BE STILL MY HEART! <3

    I agree with Sharon, that your connection to this family that visited will always be a special one ...what a special and priceless gift they were able to bless you with while you wait!! I know it's bittersweet though... makes the heart long even more to have her in your arms.

    Praying for you and your BEAUTIFUL Ivy girl!! She is a hunny!

    And, I know, I know... the blogging (or lack-there-of!) is seriously off-the-charts terrible... I need to be better. I was just telling someone else how I kind of replaced it with FB, but it's just not the same. Sure do miss that connection with my dear bloggy friends! Especially those that go way back, like you.

    Love ya!!


  6. Mary, Ivy looks like she is in a wonderful place with people who love her very much. I also think Ivy has lots of spunk and personality. Can't blame a girl for being a little grumpy when you wake her up from a little beauty sleep (: Can't wait till you get that special girl home. Jill

  7. She's beautiful! I know, like you, I'm grateful that our son is in such a good orphanage. It does a mama's heart good:) When will you be traveling? We leave on Nov. 3rd, Gotcha Day is on the 7th. If you're not traveling until after that, I'd be happy to take pictures for you!

  8. She is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!! I am so thankful that she is in a special place until her sweet Mama and Baba are there to take over.... I am so thankful you got this blessing!!!

    I have to go back to look at her now!!!


  9. Oh, sweet baby girl. Doesn't it make you want to go now. Kisses to all


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