Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Emotions causing a Cry Fest

I could cry at the drop of a hat lately. Maternal emotions perhaps?
Every sweet word that comes out of this babes mouth just grabs my heart. She is so funny and so sweet! The way that she loves us is so Big, so Bold. And here I go with tears again.

I took Lexi to Lowe's to get a train to go around our Christmas Tree today. The shopping cart is a big race car with 2 seats and 2 steering wheels. She immediately looked at the second wheel and and said, "Mama, Ibee gonna sit right here. Ibee gonna dwive with me! Mama, Ibee still taking a wong time uh come uh home uh China!" I must here the word Mama 1000 times per day and it never gets old. I will not lie, by bed time I am ready to stop hearing mama for the night.... but seriously, she just melts my heart to mush! Tears

We are so blessed by the heart of our big kids! And Rylee, my oldest at home, she is such a huge help in our home and the relationship she and Cassidy has is so special! And all these bigs, they just take over and give loads of quality time and hands on fun to their little sister Lexi! And I just get choked up all the time thinking of these things, thinking of the joy and pleasure these children bring me! More Tears..

And when I think of leaving my Babycakes for 2 whole weeks while in China! Oh my heart!! My heavy heavy heart. Tears and more tears!! I know it is best, Ivy deserves to have me all to herself as she gets to know me and goes through these huge changes in her little life. We know this is going to be best for everyone. I am so excited to have that time with her. To love on her 24/7! But I am going to miss my little girl soooo much!!! And she is going to have a tough time too. She does not handle time away too well and she tells me I was gone a looooong time when I am gone for 1 or 2 hours! And to not hear her sweet voice or her contagious awesome laugh, or hear Mama Mama Mama or hold her, ughh..... more tears!
 She will have her precious Daddy who loves her more than life!
 And her precious siblings who would do absolutely anything for her!

 So why on earth am I still choked up, still an emotional bomb?
 Maybe because I just love them so much? Most likely because I'm just a mess :(
 Either way, I am blessed!

 And I can not wait to get my newest bundle of LOVE in my arms   FOREVER!!

No worries... The train does not do its runs on Sunday.


  1. You are SO blessed to have your sweet children and hearing Lexi say mama a million times a day. Now I am hearing it about 2 million times a day. LOL It will be hard leaving them all home to go for Ivey but God will hold you all and when you are reunited~ there are just no words... tears!!! Blessings and love precious friend! XOXO

  2. She is so precious!! Hoping for a fast LOA for you!

  3. Such a beautiful family Mary, and a beautiful post! :-) God has blessed you for sure:-)
    I have a feeling Skype will be your best friend in China:) I can't wait to see Lexi and Ivy together. There's going to be too much cuteness for one photo LOL :)
    And Lexi's outfit...ahhh!! Seriously, SUPER CUTE!

  4. What beautiful photos of your precious and beautiful kiddos!! I hope you hear news of travel dates soon - I can't wait to see sweet Ivy in your arms at last, though I know it will be a long and happy/sad time in China as you meet your newest blessing and miss your others - such a crazy long road to get these littles home!!!
    Sara :)
    i LOVE Lexi's gorgeous outfit!!! (as always;)

  5. You are so blessed! What a beautiful family you have! I so hope to see you in China, my friend! How wonderful would that be! Always praying for Ivey!!

  6. love Lexi's comment about Ivy driving with her! My Piper says about a thousand times a day what "Preswey" is gonna do with her (tea parties, pway with Barbies, pway with pet shops, paint a nails).

  7. Your kids are so sweet, Mary! I love that your big kids are so helpful and giving. That just makes me smile!
    I can't wait to see your future posts with pictures of you and Ivy! I knew when I saw that she'd been moved to the 'Matched' folder, that she was going to light up some lucky family's world!
    Hopefully it won't be too much longer!

  8. Hi Friend!!!
    I love your heart... And, your family! And, these photos!!!! And, of course Lexi's precious outfit too!!!!

    I know it's going to be hard to go.... But, you will come back with one very important package for Miss Lexi and crew!!! She is going to do so great with her Daddy and her bigs!!! And, you are going to be VERY busy with a precious little girl who needs her one-on-one time with her beautiful Mama!!!!!

    Sorry Ruby won't be close to help with Lexi too!!!!

    Praying for good news SOON!
    Please tell Cassidy I have not forgotten about the bracelets. It's on my very long list!!!
    ~Love Diana

  9. Love this post and your real emotions. Praying God will help wipe away those tears as you prepare to get your sweet ivy. Love these beautiful pics. Praying!


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