Saturday, February 4, 2012

A little bit of Lexi and our Itinerary!!

We have our Tickets, Our bags are packed, there are daily surprises packaged up for Little Miss Lexi, there are some meals in the freezer, the pantry is stocked, a schedule has been printed out,

8:45pm Thursday Feb. 9th Leave Phoenix

Fly in to San Francisco and switch planes, flying Cathay Pacific to HongKong.

We land in Hong Kong Saturday Morning around 6am

We will be in Hong Kong until late Sunday afternoon.

We land in Hangzhou at 5:30 Sunday evening

Monday Feb 13 is Ivy Day!!!! We do not have an exact time yet, hoping it is in the morning!!!

Friday Feb. 17th we fly to Guangzhou

Tuesday Feb. 22 we have our consulate appointment

Wednesday Feb. 23 we get Ivy's Visa and fly back to Hong Kong

We then continue on to San Fransisco and finally

Thursday Feb 24th @ 3:45pm we ARRIVE IN PHOENIX

Thinking about the flight home makes me nauseous so I'm going to try and think about that one as little as possible. Praying for just a snugly cuddly non eventful journey home!!!

These 2 are ready for some 24/7 together time!!!!!!

I think they will have plenty to keep them busy.

 Spending every day with Daddy is going to be 
quite the treat!! Daddy even plays Doll House!

 Lexi's love language is 100% spending quality time together and physical touch, this girl needs her snuggle time!!
And her Daddy will be thrilled take over the cuddles that she usually insists are for Mommy
It's going to be a fun 2 weeks!! And when I get home...... oh the adventure will just begin!!


  1. I will be praying for safe travels and for sweet Lexi back at home and Ivy in China! So happy for you, can't wait to follow along!!!

  2. SO excited to read your itinerary!!! SO real now. Sweet little Lexi is going to great and you are too! Praying for the whole journey here and China to go smoothly as only God can lead. Blessings sweet friend and know we are all cheering you own~ praying!!! XOXO

  3. Can't wait to follow along your trip!
    We spent yesterday picking oranges and lemons too!

  4. Wish we had more time to spend in Hong Kong when we were there. Your itinerary looks great! Will be following along.

  5. So excited for you, I can't wait to follow your journey to Ivy.

  6. Yeah! The time has finally come. So excited to hear the tickets are booked. We did the daily gifts for our boys too and skyped which helped this momma a lot. Woo! Hoo! Not long now.


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