Thursday, February 9, 2012

Quick last post from the USA

I can not believe the time has finally come!! 
My heart is beating so fast and my wheels are turning but I'm going nowhere!
I am nauseous and dizzy. Emotions all over the place. But all in a good way. God is Good!!
Leaving tonight for HongKong
Arriving in Hangzhou on Sunday the 12th
February 13th is IVY DAY!!!!!!
February 14th we will finalize the adoption.
February 17th we will visit the orphanage, pick up Ivy's passport and fly to Guangzhou.
February 18th is Ivy's medical exam
February 20th we will visit the Guangzhou Safari Park
February 21st is our consulate appointment
February 22nd we will pick up Ivy's Visa
February 23rd we FLY HOME
We arrive in San Francisco at 10am and leave San Francisco at 12:55pm (my mom and sister are coming to see us during our overlay!!!!!! Amazing!!!! So Blessed!!)
WE LAND AT HOME, SKY HARBOR at 3:45pm on Thursday the 23rd
Friday the 24th Ivy will go to Phoenix Children's Hospital at 2pm and the rest will play out as we go!
We covet your prayers during this transitional time for our family. We are so blessed!!


  1. Lifting you up in prayer and looking forward to hearing the updates. God's Got this.

  2. Blessings on your journey!! Can't wait for updates!

  3. I will be praying your through every step... And, WISHING I was there at the airport to welcome you home like you did us not too long ago... I am so excited for you, and for Ivy.. She has absolutely no idea just how blessed she is to have the best Mama in the whole world coming to get her!!!! No matter what, God is going before you.. And, He has the wheel!!!!!

    Love you, and that sweet travel companion of yours!
    Enjoy your Starbucks singles, and chocolate!


  4. I am praying for you and baby Ivy the entire time!!! I know God is holding you tight and will bless big!!! Can't wait to follow your journey!!! Love you sweet friend!!! XOXO

  5. Your little Ivy is one of 3 girls pictured with our PInyi last fall, from the orphanage. The pictures we got from Jaime were of PInyi, Myah, and Ivy.

    We traveled (at the same time as Jennifer Stone) in October, and I had no idea you were still waiting! SO thrilled she is coming home. Cannot wait for you and for her. Praying the trip goes well, and that she can receive medical care here soon.

    Best, Krista

  6. p.s. that dress she has on in the top picture is THE dress our daughter had on in the pictures we got! how precious. I cannot wait to watch your blog.


  7. Praying for you all in Athens, AL! Can't wait to see pics of you all together!!!!

  8. So excited for you - can't wait to see sweet Ivy in your arms! Praying for all of you!

  9. I'm so excited for you Mary!!! Seriously, I feel like I"m there with you LOL :)
    Blessings my friend, not a day is going by without prayers!
    love you!

  10. Hi Mary. You and your sweet, sweet Ivy are in my thoughts and prayers! I can't wait for you to finally meet your sweet girl. Di filled me in on your travel companions- lucky you! May you all have a wonderful trip and bring that little cutie home where she belongs with one wonderful family! God speed to Ivy. I will be following along and can't wait to see her in your arms!

    ~ Bridget


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