Saturday, February 25, 2012

We are Home!!!
The flight was hard on Ivy, and hard on mommy too. The first flight she slept, the second one (long) she ate the first 2 hours and was awake the next 5. She was purple and breathing hard. I stayed calm and by the 7 th hour she was asleep. She slept on and off till we landed in San Francisco. We were loved on by 3 sisters, mom and niece and Ivy did amazing with them considering all she'd been through. The Az reunion was amazing, my little Lexi jumping up and down when she saw me then running to me ( until the fun sucker security guard woman chased her down and put her back behind the yellow line!! Unreal!) My honey, my girls, awe so so lucky!!! Laurie my family loves yours!! Thank you!!!! Sue, you are a gift and your son is absolutely precious!!. Thank you!! Home was like a dream, seeing my family took my breath away! Lexi has no problem sharing me as of yet, she is adorable with Ivy and so happy she's home! Ivy had me pretty scared by bed time and very worried when it was nearly 11am and I had to wake her up. She was so weak, not eating so we headed to her appointment at the hospital at 1.
My concern for Ivy was valid, her oxygen saturation was......
I'm telling you, she is Gods miracle in the works! 40? They admitted Brady when he was 5 and had a 90 oxygen saturation read for 5 days!!!
So Ivy is home with us but she is on oxygen 24/7
Please do not stop praying for her little body! We have put almost 2 pounds on her already but she is SO skinny and so blue! She was holding Lexi's hand tonight and it hit me hard how dark purple her whole hand is now.
When I put her to bed tonight her oxygen was still only 67%. We would love to see it get into the 90's so her little body can get strong for surgery.
Today- ultra sound
She has everything China said she has. Small pulmonary artery. Pulmonary Stenosis, transposition of the great Arteries ( her aorta and pulmonary artery are in each others spots) and a big VSD. No surprises. Nothing we weren't expecting. Her lungs appear to be fine but we need a cath to confirm that. Bad lungs means she would be inoperable.
Echo cardiogram- no surprises, good heart beat
The plan-
Chest x-ray Wednesday
Blood work Wednesday

Get her strong! Round the clock oxygen, lots of love, good nutrition, immunize her, and do the surgery for the cath so her team of doctors have a great road map of Ivy's very special anatomy. They will do emergency surgery if they have to, but it's in Ivy's best interest to be have doctors plan out every detail of her surgery based on the current state of her heart. And for her to have been getting healthy amounts of oxygen for as long as possible.
We are so proud of her! She did not like any part of today but on our way home as her oxygen began to rise to the 60's and her face became white again, she was smiling and giggling and shouting mama, baba! She was so happy to still be with us, I know every time we go to a new place she tenses up as if she is not sure we will be staying together or leaving together. I think today a little light went off that no matter what is next, we will be together!


  1. Such an answer to prayer!!We will continue to pray for sweet Ivy and that the drs will be able to plan exactly what she needs!!! Welcome home:)

  2. I am praying for sweet Ivy! (((HUGS))) from Athens, AL

  3. Oh Mary, I don't know where to begin, other than we will continue to pray for sweet Ivy, for strength for all of you and for wisdom for the doctors. I know in the end they will fix her little heart and she will grow alongside her forever family.

  4. Prayers going up in Dallas, TX for your precious little Ivy that God will give her complete healing.

  5. SO SO thankful you all are home and near help the minute you need it. I could tell in her China photos her fingernails were so purple~ reminded me of SJ! Bless her! Praying she does well over the next days and you all get some rest!!! XOXO

  6. Your daughter is an amazing little girl, and she is so very blessed to have you for her mama! I will be praying for her! Welcome Home!

  7. Oh Mary, I am so thrilled Ivy has made it home safely. We were praying that the flight wouldn't be too painful for her. I didn't know that the flight would be hard for your little special heart girl...but my huband (who also has a VSD) told me this info before you left China. So we were praying specifically that she would get home without any major health issues.

    So sweet to hear that she and her sister are enjoying each other. raise God.

    Your family has a long road ahead, and the doctors do too. Many prayers are being sent your way, that the Lord will strengthen you as you care for this precious child, sweet Ivy.

    Love, Jill. xx

  8. Thanks so much for the update. I was wondering how she would fair travelling. Such a tough little peanut! Sending prayers from Seattle! Blessings!

  9. So Happy this sweet family is all reunited at last. Mary I know these are some scary days ahead so I'm praying for strength and gods peace to overflow abundantly within you. Hannah's stats were in the 40's and you know what the Lord did with her and he will do the same with IVY I know he will. These precious little ones amaze me with there fight for life. She is in the best hands and it is amazing what some love and good care can do. If you need anything don't hesitate to ask. xoxo Melody

  10. Ivy, you are always in our thoughts and prayers. So happy you are home and getting all loved up! Mary, so many people love Ivy, and all of us are praying for her health. Hugs, J

  11. Welcome home! Continuing to pray for your precious daughter and asking God to strengthen her and bring her oxygen levels ups. Let the sweet miracles continue!!

  12. Welcome home! Wow, that is some news about her saturation... :-( Thank goodness you are able to give her good medical attention on very short notice.
    One other thing about your posts (not important... just curious): Ivy is in a different outfit every time, a very specific style! Did you get them at a specific (online) store? I would like to know which one, if that's ok. Thanks!
    All the best,
    the Netherlands


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