Friday, March 23, 2012

Ivy ~ Just 3 more days baby!

Many of you emailed me asking if no news was good news? Actually, no news was just this mama running herself ragged to keep the house afloat! But we made it. Today is Pre Op day! 
It has been a very tough week. Ivy has declined greatly since my last post and is really just not doing much but sitting these days. Whole lot of holding going on!!! She is not eating much now, does not sleep during the day and coughs a great deal to get more air in her lungs. She is fighting the cannula drastically now, pulling it out all through the day and night. She will sit there and pick the tapes off one by one if you are not constantly holding on to her hands and that makes for a very unhappy little girl.
We have had a few very short outings and she is very happy when she is out and about. She loves to go places, loves her carseat and loves strollers, wagons and the bike seat! We are going to have a great time when her heart is well! 
So today she will go to Phoenix Children's for her Pr Op appointment. They will do new blood draws, new chest X-ray and new EKG. After that the doctor will let us know if a smaller homograft has come in and let us know if we are ok to go home until Monday. 
Today Lexi and Rylee are headed to N. Ca for my cousins wedding. Lexi was asked to be the flower girl and we didn't think we would be able to follow through due to the timing of our China trip and Ivy's surgery. At the last minute we decided to send Rylee and Lexi to the wedding so they will leave today and return early Sunday. They are So excited!!! Lexi is calling it her special Sisters Trip and she keeps saying let's go right now!!! Im so proud of this sweet girl!!! 
Ivy will be finished with her testing by 2:30 today so I will update with any new details this evening. Thank you again for all your prayers! Thank you Sweet Matthews for the yummy dinner last week!!! Thank you Jones family for the best Chicken Barley soup EVER!!! Thank you Aunt Sherry and Uncle Wayne for the Cape Pies!!!
Thank you Di and Jill for the bunnies and flowers!!! Thank you Emily for the Ivy Loves To Give book!!! Thank you Robin for the pillows for the girls! Thank you Diana for the leggies and hair pretties!!! Cant wait till she is well enough to sport them in the hospital!! Thank you everyone for your love, for your prayers, for your texts and emails and phone calls!!!!! Thank you!


  1. I have been so moved to pray for your family, and especially, Miss Ivy. God is surely holding you up in the palm of His hands.

  2. Oh have I ever been praying for your sweet Ivy, many times a day. I just can't believe his timing, her declining once home with her family and ready for surgery. Just where she needs to be.

  3. Praying extra for you and your sweet girl today for good news, and for His precious peace. And also for Rylee and Lexi to have safe travels and lots of fun too!
    Blessings -

  4. Praying, praying, praying....

    God's got this!


  5. Still praying - but I have to say that you truly show grace under pressure!

  6. I feel like a lurker, but found your blog through another and have to say prayers are being sent your way. She is an absolutely beautiful little girl.

  7. Praying for sweet Ivy!! You are all in my prayers!!

  8. Feel like a lurker also, but check in couple times a day to see if you're still home or got the call to report to the hospital. Praying and praying for Miss Ivy and your beautiful family. You are an amazing mother!

  9. Praying for sweet IVY !! Cathy in illinois

  10. I wish I lived closer so I could help you out at this time. I really do, I hardly know you, yet I feel like I'm part of your life right now.

    The Lord has put a special burden on my heart for your sweet Ivy girl. I think when you have a heart baby, you feel closer to someone who has a heart baby.

    I want you t know that I am praying and praying and praying. I especially love what Jen wrote - "God's got this". He does. I know you know that. But it;s so true, He does. He is in control, of everything.

    ((Hugs)) Jill

    PS - I tear up reading what precious little Ivy is going through right now. She really will feel like a new child after surgery - Praise God!

  11. More prayers for Ivy from St. Louis. Thank you for taking the time to post updates.
    God bless sweet precious Ivy and your entire family.

  12. I just emailed you!!! We are praying in confidence as we ask Jesus to heal your precious Ivy!!! We are asking that He, the Greatest of all Physicians, guide the surgical team, and protect Ivy every step of this chapter of her journey! We look forward to hearing that she is out and that things went very very well!!!! Just know your fan club here in MSP is lifting you up!!!!

    "I have come so that they may have LIFE and it in ABUNDANCE." ~John 10:10b

    We love you!
    Di and The Crew


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