Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Baby Bumblebee

 I so agree, Ivy is our little bumblebee! And the past 4 days have confirmed that little bumblebee is the perfect pet name for Ivy Joy!

 We were told by our doctor before leaving the hospital that they have now done everything to get Ivy growing and healing. 
She came home from China with a 1mm pulmonary artery! It is now 7mm. 
She came home with some pretty damaged lungs and while they have a long way to go, they are healing little by little and they will one day be normal.
She came home with an under developed pulmonary valve and it has since been replaced with a donor valve (this is the one that has caused the RCA occlusion).
She came home with her Aorta and her Pulmonary Artery in each others places, and they have since been replanted in the right places. 
She came home with a huge VSD (hole in the lower part of her heart) and it has since been patched. She has a pacemaker. 
She is on Enalipril, Carvedilol, digoxin, lasix, asprin, and calcium magnesium. 

Doc said that if we came home and we saw that she was not back to her best place of health and energy by the end of 2 weeks.... then there was a problem. No secret what the problem is now, it would be that something had to be done now about that Right Coronary Artery. They would only do something in an extreme emergency, life threatening. They would use a mamary artery. 

The short and long-term outcome of surgery is not known and thus has largely been avoided. 

The day we got out of the hospital was the start of something so amazing, so beautiful! I have been too busy just taking it all in to even get on the computer. But today I made sure that I got on because you are all the blessing behind the miracle. They prayer that made this happen. The love thats held us up. The body!

Ivy walked out of the hospital all the way to the car holding my 2 hands. She went right in her tower when we got home and just looked around and giggled. She crawled around, walked around with my hands held just for confidence. She could totally walk if she had the confidence, and she will have it soon. She never stops! She is happy! She is full of laughter and she is feisty again!! Woo hoo! But in a great way! And she is sweet and sensitive and so tender! She has a really gentle heart. When the baby next door in the hospital would cry she would hold a chip or cracker or whatever she was eating, towards the door! She likes to dominate her mama but she loves to share everything else. (except her stroller... don't anyone even touch it.. her carseat, her high chair, or her shoes :) There is not doubt that this new mix of meds and the larger pulmonary artery are working! We pray that those little vessels growing around her occlusion keep growing!!!

She wakes up smiling and goes to bed still smiling. She does not ever even act like she is tired. She just falls asleep when she is. Im telling you, she could probably make it all day without a nap!!

Here she is right now, I am typing away, she was crawling around and next thing you know

Early next week we head back to PCH to see Dr Pophal. I cannot wait until he sees her!


  1. How wonderful! Way to go Ivy Joy!!

  2. So happy to read this post about your little miracle!

  3. She is AMAZING! God has BIG plans for her :) thanks for updating us. You are never far from my thoughts!

  4. Thrilled beyond words to read this post! My prayers for Ivy have been constant and I was also praying that Ivy was home and doing well. Is she ever! Your post brought tears to my eyes. She has so much strength and determination and she is so special and so loved. So happy for you all and for your beautiful bumblebee! God is SO good!

  5. Praise the Lord!!!! He is so good!!!!

    Robin in Idaho

  6. It is amazing to see these photos and read your blog entry and then remember that she was just in the hospital less than a week ago! She really is a miracle baby - but I like baby bumblebee too :)

  7. LOL!!! I have to laugh in amusement and joy. That little Jelly Bean is really something else! Ahh! Thank you for the amazing update, Mary.
    God bless this amazing little love and her wonderful family.

  8. Amen, so thrilled that she is doing well. What a precious one she is!!

  9. Praise God for His wonderful mercy and love. He sure is blessing this little one... I'm so glad to see her improving. I will continue to pray for you all.

  10. Great news, keep up the good health Ivy..............

  11. So very HAPPY to read how well LITTLE BUMBLEBEE is doing!!GOD IS SO WONDERFUL!! Thank you for updating-- all ,like me , have been praying and wondering about little Missy-- She seems like she has improved soooooooooo very much-- thats so good to read about! thanks ,much happiness to you, Cathy in Illinois

  12. Sorry about the crazy phone call!!!!!!! They had a big swim meet today, and they were pretty wired!! :) Note, don't give Sienna your cell phone!

    Anyway, this is a wonderful update, and I am so very thankful that God is answering our prayers in such a miraculous, God breathed way!!!

    Love you and your little Bumblebee!!!!


  13. I CAN NOT get over that smile... SHE IS BACK!!!!!!

    What a miracle. God is so so good.


  14. Tears of joy for Ivy Joy and her wonderful family!!!!!

  15. So glad she is doing so well, and all with a smile on her face! Such a little cutie!

  16. What a precious little girl. Blessings

  17. Thank You Jesus for yet another MIRACLE! May He continue to do abundantly more than we could ever ask or imagine in this sweet little life! Blessings

  18. Thank you for taking the time to share. And now, keep on enjoying that miracle living in your midst. May God continue to bless your entire family richly. xoxo

  19. Wonderful news! So happy for your little bumble bee...or, maybe she ought to be a honey bee, from the way it sounds. :)

  20. Prayers glad to see her up and moving:)))

  21. So happy to read this report about your little miracle!


  22. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL news about baby bumblebee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you, Jesus!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Praise God!! What amazing changes in Ivy Joy!!! Thank you for sharing your little blessing withu us.

  24. Oh Mary - I'm so overjoyed by this news. God - continue to make Ivy grow big and strong and get those vessels big enough to where if the RCA has to be bypassed, she will have lots of options. But we all know that is NOT going to be needed!!! WooHoo Ivy. Just a true miracle!!!!
    Beth in Cleveland

  25. Oh Mary...what a great post....we are on vacation and haven't been on the computer much. I just shred all your news with my husband and Sierra....they always wan to know Ivy updates.!! She is a miracle...the perfect example of what God can do!!

  26. Ivy Joy looks so happy, bless her little heart, God is good! Hugs and blessings.

  27. Could NOT be happier and God is good all the time. SO thankful for His provision and love over sweet IJ!!! Bless you all sweet friend! XO

  28. It is so thrilling to see our amazing God work miracles! Praise the Lord!

  29. Reading your post and viewing these awesome pictures have lifted my spirit. Amazing!

    Mountain View, CA

  30. So glad your little Bumblebee is buzzing around so happily. Praise the Lord!


  31. This is amazing news!! I'm so excited for you!! Can't wait to see the amazing strides she starts to take!!

  32. Thrilled to hear of all the improvements. We prayed for Ivy everyday while on vacation. God is good.

  33. Still praying for Ivy (and family and docs) in Athens, AL

  34. Hi Mary!
    I have been following your blog for a while now and just recently came across this blog:
    I have just always been so inspired and impressed with your upbeat attitude and positive outlook on life and thought you could help these people with staying strong! They have been through SO much!


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