Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Ivy update

Its 3pm and she is still in the O.R
We were told her lung pressure was dangerously high and they may not
Be able to work on he left pulmonary artery. She is stable. She is in Gods hands and I'm trying really hard not to worry :)
I can't wait to kiss her chubby checks ( the only thing chubby on her) and give her the drink of water she was begging for all morning!
Only God can make it possible for those pressures to suddenly drop enough to follow through with Docs plan. We know He can!! And if He has another plan, I remind myself that He does know best, He does! I stand before him now, will you join me?


  1. Many prayers being sent for Ivy and your family.

  2. Praying for Ivy, your family and the medical team.

  3. I am praying for Ivy.

  4. Praying, praying, praying!!!!!

  5. We have been praying for Ivy all day and will continue to do so!!!!!

  6. Thank you for updating, have been checking all day and most importantly have been praying all day.


  7. I will stand with you and PRAY for your baby girl. Ivy, may God protect you and watch over you as the medical doctors fix your little heart - in Jesus name I pray AMEN!

    Hugs sweet girl,
    Sherri in Florida

  8. We are praying for your sweet girl!

  9. Praying for Ivy, and hoping that her numbers dropped enough for the dr to get in and do what needed to be done.
    Keeping you all in my thoughts!

  10. praying in NH....

  11. Oh Mary...I had not checked in for a few days and now I read this tonight!! We have not stopped praying for Ivy and will continue to do so!! You knew...you KNEW she wasn't right..I could feel it in your previous posts. what a wonderful advocate you are for your sweet Ivy!!!Thank you for keeping us posted. Hugs to you!!
    Kathie in NY

  12. Wish I had seen this earlier today. It's 10:05pm in Alabama. I'm praying now and look forward to an update!

  13. We've been praying for Ivy in Colorado!

  14. More prayers are going our for you and your family. Oh man...I am sooo sorry you guys are being put to the test. You will get through this. I believe. God is good.

    Sharyn and LiLi

  15. Praying and Praying for Ivy as well as your family! Will keep you all in our prayers!


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