Wednesday, August 8, 2012

It is well!

I had no idea what to title this post?? But based on the amount of absolutely the sweetest emails checking in to make sure all was well, I thought ~It is well~ was appropriate!

Can I just tell you, I am so overwhelmed by the love and support of the adoption and blogging community, my friends, and my family. Your words, your prayers, your thoughts, and your love are so treasured!

Now let me fill you in :)

Ivy is now on the full dose of all her meds and we will add Sildenofil to the mix after her big appointment on the 16th. She is HAPPY!!!!!! She is eating 2000 calories a day!!!! She is extremely engaged and connected! She does not miss a beat! If Lexi says she is cold Ivy is immediately saying she is cold and pretending to shiver and asking for a blanket! She hears conversation others are having and joins right in. She would stand in her learning tower eating all day long if you let her! She LOVES her life! She Loves Dora and Little Einsteins! She's  loves nursery rhymes and riding in the shopping cart! She acts like she has just hit the lottery when she spots a shopping cart! And she loves to go anywhere. She gets quite upset if we are not out and about for a long while. She can go all day with just cat naps in the car. She loves to be in the car and she loves to be in her stroller. She loves to be held and she loves french fries!! She has a new love for white rice and has ditched her oatmeal for rice rice and more rice. Lexi told me this morning, "Ivy used to be a yogurt drink girl, then she was an oatmeal girl, and now she is a rice girl!"

She is not walking yet but is very steady in her steps when she has the stamina to do some hand held walking. Her energy level is still low and her strength is, well, not strong at all. Her Physical therapist says she needs PT 3 times a week and it takes everything out of her to make it through the first half hour. She falls asleep as soon as she gets in the car even if her appointment is right after breakfast. Even her grip is weak and her arm strength as well. So we went ahead and got her going in occupational therapy with phoenix children's as well so that we can strengthen those hands and fingers. She does not love going just yet, but she cooperates and charms everyone with her Ivy Joy ways.

She is saying tons of words, at least 60. She repeats whatever you ask of her. She uses please and thank you and if the answer is no she will say pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaaase until you decide the answer is yes! She knows lots of hand motions for different english and Chinese songs we sing.

She is as sweet as sugar! Kind, compassionate, friendly, loving...oh my gosh is she ever loving!!! Really the most affectionate and compassionate, loving child I have ever met. She melts me like a popsicle on the 4th of july :)

Life is busy right now. Brady started school Monday. Cassidy started school today. She got her license so she actually drove herself to school for the first time today! So excited for her but man, those first 3 months when my children start driving  alone really sucks the life out of me.

All of Ivys therapies have become a full time job. And she was already a full time job!! Lexi will go to school Tuesdays and Thursdays and I have managed to fill that time with Ivy's therapies so it will be nice for Lexi to have a couple days where she does not have to come along and can be doing fun things at school. Lexi's pre school teacher comes tomorrow for her home visit. Such a wonderful thing our pre school does! They meet the child for the first time in the child's own comfortable environment. Meet  the whole family, see her toys and her room and gets to know her on her own terms! Last night Lexi told me that she had to get up really early in the morning because she had to get ready for pre school! So cute since she still has a while before she starts! She is very excited! And that makes me very excited for her!!!!

Saturday my mom is coming to visit. She will be here for a week. I can't wait!!!

Thats about all for now. I will try to add some pictures to this post soon. Right now I need to get my girl to dance class before she is late!!

Thank you God for all you’ve done. According to your word You have filled me with all joy and peace because I believe and I abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Spirit. I receive that fullness of joy and peace in Jesus name. Thank you Lord.


  1. so thrilled to hear how the girls are doing. We pray daily for that little squirt!!! She is precious!!

  2. Want you to know that LIL Missy Ivy is still in our prayers and the whole family ,too. Was getting just a teeny tiny bit worried waiting for your post--BUT it is understood that you are VERY VERY BUSY!! our daughter got her license beginning of June and will also be driving to school --we start in 2 weeks!!--the ist time she drove off by herself was really hard for me--my baby driving and growing up so very fast!! (hard to let her go-but no way to stop her she has the roots now is using her wings to be her own person)Ivy sure keeps you hopping!! praying for energy and strength to come to her and you , as well!! Happiness and blessings and hugs,Cathy in Illinois!!

  3. Glad to see your update. I was starting to worry about all of you :-). Mishelle in Fountain Hills

  4. SO thrilled for your gift of "normal"!!!!!

  5. OF course pictures are fabulous but just knowing everyone is well is almost even better....almost.

  6. Glad to hear things are going well. Blessings

  7. I was anxiously waiting a new post so really glad that it contains such good news. Love Maggie K

  8. So happy that things are going so sounds busy but good.

    Hugs, Janice

  9. Loved reading this post and the dance one of Lexi. She cannot be any cuter. OH HOW I MISS MY BABIES! I am really hoping we can come for Thanksgiving. Remember when we all came a few years ago? Best Thanksgiving ever! Love you and miss you all. Give lots of hugs to the kids.
    auntie Kim


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