Friday, August 17, 2012

Wrapping up the week

Is it really Friday? Seems like the week just all piled in to one long day. My mom leaves tomorrow and I feel like she just got here yesterday. I was so sad that Ivy got sick right before she came, I was looking forward to her finally getting to see Ivy eating and talking and charming everyone around her. Every time she has been with her she has been very weak and sick. Well, as always, God knew my mom needed to be here this week. She has been such a huge support as we weed through our next steps with little miss miracle and she has taken supreme care of our family so that this mama could spend the week doing nothing but love on her babies!!! What a huge blessing she is. Mom, I love you with all of my heart and I would not be the mom I am today if not for you!

As of this morning Ivy was still not doing great however by this evening she was smiling and talking and eating a little more and certainly feeling a whole lot more like herself. Over this past week she has spent most of her time sleeping the day away. I kept her with us where ever we were so she could hear us and feels us. So very grateful that she is showing signs of getting over her cold, little by little. Her cough is terrible and the sad faces she makes due to the pain it causes is enough to leave us both crying.

 She sleeps and she sleeps! It has been very scary at times!

 A very sweet friend of ours sent over these prayer buckets for the girls/family. Such a precious little gift!

 Our (big) little girl has been so helpful with everything Ivy. But the girls are especially cute at bed time. Always making sure the other is nearby. Stories are always on Lexi's bed, followed by tickles, prayers and lights out. Lexi makes sure Ivy gets the same amount of everything even if Ivy would rather go to sleep :)
She is already asleep in her bed when I took these pictures. Sweet baby loves her sleep :(

 Longing for the day that her life does not revolve around medications and Echo's and Cardiology visit. I think the longest she has ever gone between Echo's is 3 weeks. That seems crazy to me. I am certain it seems even crazier to Ivy!

 Miss Lexi started school this week! What a blessing for her to have a 3 hour break from all of the nursing going on at the home. Time to be with friends, spread her own wings and not worry about her baby sis or helping mommy.

 Ivy has facial swelling again. Her limbs are still normal. 

Swollen or not, I think she looks like a little angel.


  1. She is the most beautiful little angel. I pray she gets better and that God enlightens the doctors and their plan as to find a way to make this sweet baby cakes all better.

  2. Precious pics, praying for wisdom for the docs and a plan on Monday.

  3. Beautiful ladies that you have. God bless Ivys little heart and body. May you all be in my prayers. Hugs.

  4. Mary, still praying for precious Ivy Joy to have a complete healing of her tiny heart. I know you find your strength in the Lord, He will see you through this. You have the sweetest friends! I simply love the buckets - what a treat for the girls and the prayers are awesome. Lexi is a great big sister and I'm sure she doesn't mind helping you nurse sweet Ivy Joy, but am glad she is "off to school" for a few hours!

  5. Ivy is always in our prayers. Many hugs, Annette

  6. praying for precious Ivy, and for her Mama, too. So thankful you could have a bit of a break from household stuff with your mom's help.

    With love and hugs and prayers,

    Jane K

  7. My thoughts and prayers are always with you and your family. Ivy Joy is such a strong little Angel! I know she will be feeling better soon:) Stay stong Mama! You too are amazing!
    God Bless,

  8. Precious precious angel and I am praying SO hard for you all!!! XO

  9. Mary, you are 1 utterly strong lady !! God has really BLESSED you to have such an Amazing TRUST and FAITH in HIM !! OUR HEALER!!! I pray for all of you and the drs. ,too to have the WISDOM to HEAL IVYJOY and let her run and walk and play and be a normal little sweetiepie!! GODs BLESSINGS are coming to you !!! It was wonderful your mom was able to help this past week. Remember that precious little heart of Ivy would probably not be working as well as it is, if she was still in China!! God Bless You All!! love and hugs, and still praying,Cathy in Illinois!!!

  10. Mary,

    I have followed your journey and i am heartsick that Ivy is going through so much. Have you gotten a second opinion? We have been where you are. We received a miracle. If you would like to talk please e-mail me at



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