Thursday, September 6, 2012

Hello Boston

We have spoken with the Sugeons at Boston Childrens. So much to tell you all. But I want to wait until tomorrow when it's not almost midnight (oh wait, that would be tomorrow!). Anyway, it's been a crazy couple of days. We have gone from yesterday, being told transplant time was here, to today, a whole other ball game! We don't have much time to get this done. My mothers instinct was true and real! Ivy needs much of what was done during her big surgery... Well, redone..
We are going to Boston. Sooner than later.... I should hear back from them tomorrow as we work out the details and coordinate everything. I will give you all the details tomorrow. Prayer warriors, Game On AGAIN!!! This is a very high risk surgery on a fragile little tiny peanut! I am at peace and yet shaking like a leaf at the same time.
Thank you in advance!!!

Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord.
Plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you HOPE and a future."


  1. Will be praying. My dh saw your girl's picture and asked about her (she is my background on my computer) she looks just like our girl. We go to the cardiologist in a week and a half.

  2. Oh Mary, I will be praying for Jellybean that she'll hold on tight and be strong like she's always been. And for you too. For your faith, strength, love and positive thinking and attitude always.
    Much love,


  3. Praying hard for your sweet girl and your family.


  4. I have been praying specifically for answers from Boston and peace for you in your decisions. Sure wish I lived in Boston to help!! Praying hard in Tennessee!

  5. still praying for "Ivy's broken heart" with our 2 1/5 yr old every night{in Athens, AL}! She knows Ivy when she see's her picture now!

  6. Praying for you, Mary, & your sweet girl!

  7. Praying for your family, and your journey. Rejoicing that you have options and have found a team to help!

  8. Praying for God's miraculous healing. And for peace for you and your family.

    May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. Romans 15:13

  9. I am in Boston, well, 30 minutes north of it, and have a daughter from China who goes to CHB for cardiology. We see Dr Lang. LOVE the cardiology department there. Please let me know if I can help in any way.

  10. Hi Mary,
    We're praying with all our hearts for your angelic Ivy Joy. I lived in Boston for 9 years, and while we're living in Ohio for the moment, we'll be moving back to Boston. If there's anything (any info) I might be able to help you with, please don't hesitate to ask. My email is and my cell is 617-312-1661.
    Praying and sending get well hugs to your beautiful doll and all of you, Leslie and Julianna

  11. I have been following your story since you brought Ivy home. I live in Chicago but work in Boston during the week (right near the hospital) and would like to help out if possible.


  12. Praying for peace for you and for the Lord to guide your surgeon's hands! And sending hugs from one "heart" mom to another.

  13. Praying for Sweet Ivy Joy,her doctors ,the ones in Boston and your dear family!! Asking God to give these doctors guidance and that ALL will be strong!! Hang On tight !! God Loves IVYJOY and all of you!! Cathy in Illinois!!

  14. SO praying for you all!!! Blessings and love!

  15. Sending love and prayers. Wish you were in Baltimore for selfish reasons but I know you have found the best for your beautiful girl. I am sorry you have all been through so much. It appears you handle it with grace. Godspeed. - Dale

  16. So THANKFUL that Boston Children's sees precisely what needs to be done to give little Ivy a full , happy, energetic life!!!! Will be watching your blog for updates, and, of course, praying as you both approach this difficult journey together!! Onward with courage!!!!

  17. Just a lurker coming out...Covering your family in prayers. We live 90 miles from Boston and have gone to Boston Children's when we need a consult on our daughter's cancer diagnosis only to find out it was a misdiagnosis. Praise the Lord! You should know your little bean will be in some very capable and talented hands!! Good Bless!

  18. You'll be in good hands. They took great care of me and I surpassed any of the doctors expectations.

    I pray that Ivy will get the care she needs and she will heal quickly.

    Let us know if there is anything we can do to assist. We are in CT and go to Boston often. Hubby also lived there.


  19. Mary,

    Spoke to you a week or so grateful you will be going to Boston. We will be praying and following your blog.

    Donna, mom to a "Boston miracle" China heart baby

  20. Mary, Our family is praying for this special little miracle of yours. We are praying for all of your family as well.

    A few posts back you mentioned an interest in e-mailing our daughter Lena Yi Yi who is 14 and home 20 months from China and prays regularly for little Ivy. If you would still like to do that Lena is interested. Please contact her at our e-mail

    Lisa, Brad, Lane and Lena Yi Yi

  21. All our positive, warm thoughts and prayers are with all of you and your precious little Ivy Joy.
    Sending get well hugs, Leslie and Julianna


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