Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Patience Of A 4 Year Old

 Lexi Jade has got to be the most patient, good natured little girl I have ever met. There are days where I feel like all I do is tell her to wait for something else. Medicine time consumes me for at least an hour every morning. She asks for juice, I say I'm getting it. 10 minutes later she asks if its ready yet, I say oh no, I forgot, let me get it! 10 minutes later she asks where I put it, oh sweetie let me make it right now as we speak and bam, 30 minutes later, we have juice! The process starts all over again in the evening. She is usually dancing while she waits... or riding her balance bike through the house. Never a sigh or complaint, just happy and joyful! There are days when I feel spread so thin and I know she has once again gotten the short end of the stick and yet every day, she makes me feel like the best mom in the world. 

She is growing up right before my eyes! 

She loves school and dance and riding her bike more than any other activity. She would be fine doing just those 3 things every day! 

 She has the greatest giggle I have ever heard and when you hear it you can't help but giggle too.

 She loves nature, bugs and creepy crawly things don't scare her. She got a Hermit Crab recently, (first pet) and she holds it like its a toy. No worries about it pinching or crawling or anything else... just calm as can be. The crab escaped the cage one night and was lost for 2 days!!! Last night it appeared in the kitchen at around midnight! So glad!!! Can you imagine?? YUCK

 It's been a very long year and there have been more changes and more adjustments than I ever thought her little self could handle. But she has handled it like an absolute star! 

The only thing we continue to work on is her fear of me leaving. She needs to know where I am at all times. If I leave the room and she suddenly doesn't see me, she panics. Crying big and out loud instantly. We are getting close to being over it. The rule is to call out for me in the 4 main areas of the house one at a time. I try to just tell her every move I make so that there is no anxiety but if I should forget, she has been very good lately about following the search rule. I tell her several times a day that I will never ever ever leave her and that if Ivy should have to go back to the hospital for something, that I will be bringing her with me no matter what. She has done amazing but she has clearly had all she can handle.  

God made our little girl for our family! We are so in love with our Lexi Jade. (Auntie Kim and Quincie, I know you are missing her... these pics are for you)


  1. What a delight to see these pictures. Thank you.

  2. Sweet beautiful Lexi!! What a special daughter she is along with your other kiddos!

  3. She truly is amazing, oh so very beautiful and a fabulous big sister.

  4. Great stuff - and rest assured that your experience of seperation anxiety are not unique - we had one that was home more than a year before they relaxed enough that we could leave the room without telling them what we were doing! It'll pass in time!

    and be re-assured about something - you really ARE the most IMPORTANT thing in their world...and that's all good!

    hugs - aus and co.

  5. Is she not the sweetest thing??? Her little world has been turned upside down yet she rocks! I know God has amazing plans for this precious little jewel of yours. She is a perfect example of a what we mean when we call a child sweet spirited! I am so happy you all are getting settled into your new normal!

  6. Hoping that there won't be another hospital stay that will require Lexi to to with you. I love the pictures of Lexi dancing. Such a happy girl with the sweetest face. Although she was in good hands, there's nothing like having your Mommy there for you.

  7. Beautiful Miss Lexi! You have the beautiful pointed toes of a dancer. I wish I could hear your giggle!

    Love from snowy Michigan,

    Jane Klingenberg

  8. Oh my, she is so adorable! She sounds so sweet!

  9. sweet girl. Hopefully there will be no trips away for a long long time.

  10. Such a little darling. Praying that there are only happy travels in your future.

  11. Mary,Lexi is an amazing little lady !! God Bless Her and all of you!! These pictures of her are just adorable!! She has had it rough with you needing to care so much for Ivy - but being the sweetie pie she is I am sure she understands it all -but you are her mom and its understandable!! Today my Tongling girl is 17!! tomorrow is our 15th GOTCHA-FAMILY DAY!! Praise God!! Blessings,Cathy in Illinois!!!

  12. Love you Lexi, you are such a special little girl. Such beautiful pictures your Mama took....You are a special little gift from God. Hugs!

  13. Love Lexi's dance moves! MK

  14. What a beautiful treasure from God! Praying for her fears. I have a 16 yr old from China who has been home 13 yrs. and she still periodically checks in to see where I am. Always has.

  15. Parenting is so hard. But, with the things you listed....this is why children are gifts.

  16. Her joyful spirit just radiates!...SO glad the hermit crab showed up..yikes! :) ~Holly


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