Sunday, March 3, 2013

My girls

                                          They make me smile!

             And teach me so much about being real.

          Remember the wonders of being a child?

 No cares about who's watching or who's listening. 

                          Just pure innocence.

                  The joy you see in their eyes.

Or they way they get lost in the smallest thing.

The world would be a better place if we could all 

                  return to our childlike ways!

Love and compassion are always a child's first 


                         Children love to love, love to give, love to       

                   be loved, and love to receive. 

My favorite thing in the world is being a mom! 

Watching my children become who they are going 

to be. Watching them grow and learn and 

experience life. 

Yesterday Lexi told me that she loves Ivy with all 

of her heart and that she kept the love right inside 

her heart next to Jesus because Jesus was in her 

heart too.

She told me that she was never going to move out 

or get married because she just wants to be 

regular. (She says lots of funny things that don't 

really make sense lol) She said that she didn't want 

to be a mom because moms are the boss and she 

doesn't want to be the boss because I'm already the 

boss! She followed that up with, Right Mommy?

And little tinkerbell :) She is just as sweet as can 

be. She is very low energy right now, but happy 

and growing! She loves like God wants us all to 


                Children are a gift from God.

No matter how they come to you, when they come 

to you, or where they come from.

Loving every part of my 6 gifts!! And having so 

much fun with these precious 2!


  1. Sorry to hear Ivy's numbers - but I have a feeling of calm...not that this helps but hopefully it reassures!

    As for today's post - I'm reminded of something I saw long ago..."Dance like no one can see you, sing like no one can hear, live, laugh, and love"

    That's these pictures - just sayin'....

    hugs - and prayers - aus and co.

  2. Sorry to hear Ivy's numbers - but I have a feeling of calm...not that this helps but hopefully it reassures!

    As for today's post - I'm reminded of something I saw long ago..."Dance like no one can see you, sing like no one can hear, live, laugh, and love"

    That's these pictures - just sayin'....

    hugs - and prayers - aus and co.

  3. Gifts indeed! Of the most precious kind!!!

  4. What a sweet big sister she is! I love that she has Ivy in her heart. Just slightly jealous that she doesn't have to wear a sweater and we are freezing her in Atlanta.

  5. Very special treasures indeed! We can learn so much from watching our children and stopping on occasion to view the world through their eyes. It's amazing what we might discover!

  6. Mary, My 5 year old, Brendan, just asked me if I could "check on Ivy" He then said "Is Ivy famous"? "I hope she is feeling better". These pictures are SO cute! ~Holly

  7. These two are so precious!! The weather has been perfect here, so much fun being outside and enjoying it!!


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