Thursday, April 18, 2013

Ivy Update

For those of you who have not followed the Mission To a Million Page (you do not need to be on Facebook to find this, just google mission to a million, it is a public page)
Ivy underwent her heart catheterization at 1pm today. We were told yesterday that her heart and hypertension were so bad that we should be prepared for her to code, and come back up on ECMO. Their exact words! 
This took us completely by surprise and left us certain that they were just covering all their bases, based on fear. We were scared. Last night Bryan and I talked and prayed and then prayed some more. We both felt confident that they were wrong about Ivy and underestimate the strength and fight our girl has despite her poor little heart. We felt that moving Ivy by air ambulance, getting her settled and all tests redone, before someone else did this exploratory Cath was just not in her best interest. She has been here a week, asking to go home every day, crying for her family and her real life back. We were in a tough situation but just felt a sense of peace that we were doing the right thing. We were blessed with an amazing anesthesiologist. He just happens to be the father of one of the anesthesia fellows at Boston Children's Hospital. He called his son last night and of course, his son remembered little Ivy! He used the same anesthesia that he would have used going in to an open heart surgery of a very poor working heart. It was perfect. She had no problems whatsoever! They were most worried about anesthesia, her pressures are so high.... AND GOD SHOWED UP, and little Ivy fought and she is doing well!!!!
She got to her room about 4:20 and her ventilator came out at 7pm. She looks good!! 
The purpose of the Cath was to make sure she was even a candidate for a transplant. They used oxygen and nitric acid to see if her arteries would relax and they DID! This is so promising as it means that her PH can be more aggressively treated and she could get a heart and not need a lung if that is what it came down to. We have all the data needed to get the ball rolling now and Baby Girl has a fighting chance! She is so stinking amazing!!!! Our cardiologist told us to expect her to be very sick recovering from today and for it to take significant time to get her on a cocktail that will leave her feeling better and able to come home. My thoughts..... Watch out!!! Here Comes Super Ivy!

Ivy on Wednesday morning giving herself a checkup

Ivy last night just before bed

Ivy just before going in to the Cath

 Ivy tonight just before coming off the Ventilator

Praise God from whom all blessings flow 
James 1:17


  1. She's incredible!!! I love how God has given you the peace you need to advocate and protect your precious girl.. This is a wonderful update!!!!

    Next note from me, will be from CHINA!!!!

    YAY GOD!!!!!

  2. Praise GOD from Athens, AL! So very thankful!!!

  3. I've been praying for sweet Ivy! She's an amazing little girl!

  4. Yay Ivy! Sending lots of prayers your way.

  5. Go Super Ivy, go!! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!! He has big plans for this little one!!

  6. Go Super Ivy, go!! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! He has big plans for you, little one!

  7. I am sooooo relieved! Praise God! What a precious miracle sweet Ivy is! Big hugs to all of you!

  8. Praise God for His hand of protection! So happy to hear this update! Believing God has big plans for your little girl!

  9. Wonderful, wonderful. I feel like I can breathe again. Hugs to all of you, especially Miss Amazing!

  10. Wonderful, wonderful. I feel like I can breathe again. Hugs to all of you, especially Miss Amazing!

  11. Oh thank you Mary for this wonderful update. I don't have as much faith as you do, I was starting to worry....and feel so relieved for you, your family, and beautiful, sweet Ivy. You are all so amazing. XO from Dale and Sophie Changlu

  12. I just started following your page. Ivy is amazing! My daughter Sofia just turned two and has multiple heart defects including HLHS. It would be great if they could be friends. My thoughts and prayers are with beautiful Ivy and your family.

  13. Oh Mary! She is an amazing girl. And our God, well He is simply incredible.


  14. Praise God, indeed! Continuing to pray for Miss Ivy and all of your family.

    Anne in Colorado

  15. Praise God, indeed! Continued prayers for Ivy and all of your family.

    Anne in Colorado

  16. Praise God, indeed! Continued prayers for Ivy and all of your family.

    Anne in Colorado

  17. Praise God, indeed! Continued prayers for Ivy and all of your family.

    Anne in Colorado

  18. Praise God, indeed! Continued prayers for Ivy and all of your family.

    Anne in Colorado

  19. Oh!!! Praise God!! I love how He makes himself known and shows up so big!! Praying for the next steps! The kids send their love... Charity and Josiah were praying for little Miss today!!

  20. Our God is amazing! And what a wonderful job He did making courageous Ivy. We are praying for you all!!!

  21. praising God with you! continued prayers!

  22. A broken heart and a contrite spirit, He has yet to deny. Oh how He loves us! Awesome! We are praying for you all!!!

  23. Awake early in NY to check on Ivy Joy! Thank you God for continuing to place your healing hand on this special girl! I slept in my Ivy joy tshirt!

  24. Awake early in NY to check on Ivy Joy! Thank you God for continuing to place your healing hand on this special girl! I slept in my Ivy joy tshirt!

  25. Go Ivy Go. SHow them what you're made of. Sund ing hugs Mary.

  26. Ivy - you are extremely cool - I'm one seriously impressed guy!! Prayers continue -

    hugs - aus and co.

  27. There is nothing that Ivy and God can't do!!! Praying our girl makes a quick recovery from the cath and so thankful for the good news!! Our prayers continue as always Mary!!

    Love from NYC,

  28. PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! BIG HUGS FROM FLORIDA!!!!!!!

  29. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers ~ praise Him for all his amazing gifts!


  30. Praising God, and praying for your family. God does Amazing things... and you also have an amazing daughter! hugs....

  31. Thank you for the update!! I prayed for her all day!!!

  32. Oh, such incredibly good news! Yay for Ivy. She is one strong and amazing little girl! Sending prayers and lots of love from Boston!

  33. Oh praise God!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is amazing! Still praying!

  34. So happy and relieved to hear this update!!! ~Holly

  35. Love Love Love this updte!!! We will continue to pray for Ivy and your family. You're right when you say - Watch out, Here comes Ivy! She is one special little girl! God is SO GOOD!!
    ~Kathy / San Tan Valley, AZ

  36. GO GOD!!!! Praise YOU from WHOM ALL blessings flow! SO thankful sweet Ivy is doing well!!! Love you Mary!!! XOXOXO

  37. Tears!! Praise the Lord! What an amazing and miraculous little girl you have!! Praying for strength for all of you!

  38. God give her Blessings and all of you!!Praising God LOUDLY for IVY JOY!!!Cathy in Illinois!!!!

  39. Praying for you all , may joy fill your hearts and may your prayers be answered.

  40. Holding to HOPE for Ivy Joy. May your prayers be answered and joy fill your hearts.

  41. I am so amazed, have been thinking of you and praying for Ivy. So thankful that all went well. She is Super Ivy!!!

  42. Here comes Super Ivy indeed! Wow! Hugs and prayers from Canada.


  44. Praise God! Laying Ivy at the feet of the Great Physician!

  45. So glad she made it through the cath without any complications. That is awesome! Sending Ivy Joy hugs from one congenital heart patient to another. May God continue giving her the strength to keep fighting!

  46. I've only started reading this blog for less than a week and I can't possibly tell you how much your family has impacted my life. My kids and I have really been praying hard for you guys. Here I am at work and checking this website to see
    If there is any news. Little ivy stays on my mind I just want you guys to be all happy and healthy! There clearly is so very much love in your family! I am wondering how everything's going over there for you guys, what a strong family you all are!


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