Friday, May 31, 2013

Great News!

Wearing only a dress, shorties and a diaper... Miss Ivy weighed in at 20 pounds today!! She is 31 inches tall (or short). Her electrolytes were PERFECT! And her BNP Was at an all time low (For Ivy) of 379! Ivy has been as high as 20,000! So it is still high, still heart failure, but trending way way way way DOWN!!! Her heart likes it's new heart failure medications. She was not able to ramp up to her final dose of carvedilol because her blood pressure is very low right now due to all the meds. She is 70/40 tonight... We are watching her closely as she gave us quite the scare last night. 
We could not feel more content and overjoyed today. We have been having the best days, the best of times!! We got the ok to take trips with her, to let her be a kid and enjoy life!! Who could ask for more?
Tomorrow we have recital pictures for Little Miss Lexi! And Sunday Make a Wish is coming to help Ivy dream her biggest wish! Next week is recital!! The kids are all out of school and summer is here!!!!! Have a blessed weekend!

we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. (Romans 5:2-5)


  1. Oh I love love to see this. Yea Ivy and way to go.

  2. Good Morning Sammons Family. What wonderful news to wake up to!! I had been praying that precious Ivy was getting stronger. I hope your summer is the best ever!

  3. BEST NEWS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ENJOY!!

  4. Whoa are a tiny petit kinda way. so happy things are going well-ish.

  5. Terrific news! I think you are going to have a fantastic summer! You can see all the personality and determination in that little face. Go Ivy!
    God Bless you all.
    I admire your deep Faith also.

  6. Such awesome news!! I hope this summer is amazing for all of you!

  7. great news!! Lets all keep on praying!! Cathy in illinois!!!

  8. OK.... LOVE the piggies, and this AWESOME report!!!!
    Praise God who created this tiny and mighty miracle!!!!


  9. Great news and a gorgeous picture of a mischievous, happy little Ivy!
    Love the bunches, by the way - really, seriously cute!
    Praying that things continue to improve.
    Love to you all,
    Marilyn & Brian
    (Colchester, England)

  10. Such fantastic news! 20lbs!!! Go Ivy!!!!

  11. I'm a new follower and have read through your entire blog! Your family is such an inspiration and Ivy Joy is absolutely adorable! I pray for continued healing for her and I hope you all have a great summer!

  12. Little Miss Ivy is just adorable and such a fighter ~ way to go! Continuous prayers for her success!


  13. Grow Ivy, Grow!! My prayers continue for this beautiful,brave girl!

  14. LOVE THE PIGTAILS!!! So precious!!!!! And SUCH GOOD NEWS. Yay Ivy Joy!

  15. She looks terrific!! Keeping your sweet girl in my prayers!! ~Holly

  16. God bless you little Ivy! You are amazing.

  17. Great stuff - prayers for continued progress!

    hugs - aus and co.

  18. Way to go Ivy Joy!!! You are a walking MIRACLE!!!


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