Friday, June 14, 2013

Change is good

Life is so much different this week! Ivy Joy is 100% mobile for the first time in her life! She just walks all over the house, gets her snacks, climbs in her big girl chair (will have nothing to do with the highchair now), climbs in the learning tower, walks to her potty and goes pee pee, goes swimming with us and doesn't scream the entire time, will wear her water wings and swim from step to step in our hot tub (even though it is 100+ every day, Ivy and I are wimps and like our pool water to be heated!! We aren't heating the big pool, the big kids would not be happy about that, but the hot tub is big enough to swim in and is heated up for us wimpy ones who like the water to feel like a bath!). She doesn't ask to go bye bye a million times a day or to eat every 2 seconds because she is just having fun playing and being a little girl! Lexi is so proud of her and tells her so, constantly. 
These little girls... I tell you.... ARE SO SWEET!!!
Me..... well, I'm a little taken aback! I want to put bubble wrap on her head... and pillows all over the tables, cabinets  and doors. She scares me to death! When you are a tiny tot on blood thinner,  just the tiniest bump leaves you with a shiner and a trip to the ER. I want to let her go, and I am, but I will be found 2 inches behind her, running, ready to break any falls!!! We have waited SO long to get to this point! It is so exciting! Just would be lots more fun if she did not have to be on anti coagulants!  Regardless, We are having the time of our lives just being a regular family! Doing regular things!! Even have some trips planned! We can't take Ivy to pre school, sunday school, gymboree, public pools, any group indoor play classes. BUT...... We can travel, we can swim at home, and best of all..... SHE CAN WALK!!!!! 

Our Real Life Super Hero!


  1. Answered Prayers. She looks so good.

  2. LOVE the super hero status!! So fun to see the sister lovin family life together.

  3. Way to go Ivy Joy!!! God is SO good!!! What an answer to prayers your toddling super hero is!

  4. On my goodness - How sweet is that picture of the two of them kissing? Also love the smile on her face when she is in the pool with daddy! Have a super Father's Day! Love MK

  5. Super Hero indeed. Go girly go. How marvelous, how really really marvelous.

  6. So thankful she is continuing to do so well and you are enjoying every minute!! A little miracle she continues to be :)Campho-Phenique works wonders on those falls & bumps won't even bruise up if applied FAST (my little one got hit with a softball in the eye & she didn't even get a bruise....normally would have been black. We still pray & enjoy seeing her JOY!!!

  7. Mary, This is such awesome news. I am so happy for all of you. Keep up the good work. I look forward reading your posts with this great news. Lily and I send our Love to all.

  8. Yay -- thrilled to hear she is doing well!! Keep up the good work!

  9. Oh my, she looks soooo good. Thank you Lord.

  10. So happy that she is doing well. Continued prayers for great progress.

  11. A BIG THANK YOU to our WONDERFUL GOD that he is taking such great care of little missy!! she looks so good and its a JOY to see her having FUN!! God BLESS you ALL!!! Cathy in Illinois!!

  12. I just smile every time I see photos of her. You can tell she is enjoying life!! Thought about her a lot today as I was wearing my JOY shirt!!!

  13. What an early morning treat for me to see this post. SO happy for all of you.

  14. "Heroes come in ALL sizes"! :)

    Love. Love. Love seeing these pix! Continuing to pray for sweet Ivy Joy!

    Hugs from MI,


    ps I need pool water to be really warm, too. :)

  15. PRecious precious baby!!! SO thankful she is doing so well! XOXO


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