Sunday, August 11, 2013

A little love

Today, Ivy has decided to rest. She was up for 10 hours straight after being extubated yesterday. Not because she was wired and feeling energetic, but because she did not want to miss a thing. If something else was going to happen to her.. she was not about to sleep through it again! So around 11pm she closed her eyes for the first time all day. But she made sure to wake up every 30 minutes or so. She'd ask her amazing nurse Lesley what she was doing. Why she was doing that. She used her little potty (this girl amazes us how even in her current condition, she uses her potty even in the middle of the night) she drank lots of her beloved water and she was content. This morning she is resting up! She slept until about 1pm, woke up to go potty and is now trying to have some soft food. She really isn't interested in food yet. Such an odd thought for our little muncher! Her last drain on her head was removed this morning. She will get her Arterial line out later today and possibly the NG tube they were using for meds. By tomorrow we should be moving over to the non intensive care cardiac floor. 
We spoke with neurologists in more depth today. Probably because they can see now that she is acting 100% normal. We were told that the extremty of her bleed was very impressive and that the brain was so tight that they could bounce a quarter off of it before releasing the blood. Not good!!! So once again we praise God for getting Ivy through in miraculous ways! Today her right eye is swollen shut, and her right side of face and head are very puffy. Normal, but doesn't look too comfortable. She shines like a super star regardless. She keeps asking me why all the other babies are crying. I tell her because its not much fun here. The nurse tells her because they just aren't Ivy Joy. Whatever the case, I pray for all the friends as she calls them, sharing this pod with us and that all of them are home in their own beds soon!


  1. She is an angel of a child! Bless little Ivy Joy-- always thinking if others!

  2. Thanx for letting us get to see sweetie pie lovey Ivy!! God Bless her and all of you !!including her drs. and nurses!! Blessings,Cathy in illinois!!!

  3. Praying for Ivy and all of her friends to be healed and home soon!


  4. So thankful....what a little miracle she is. Cheering her on and keeping her (and you) in our daily prayers.

  5. she is an amazing lil girl God Bless you Ivy Joy we share the same middle name little one!! get well soon
    From Brenda in Illinois

  6. Praying for you from North Carolina

  7. Just the sweetest strongest angel. I call upon out God to xontinue His protection.

  8. Oh sweet Ivy! I hope and pray she continues to improve with each day. I live and work in the Bay Area. If there is something you need (supplies/coffee/support/etc), please email me.

  9. Ivy and your family remain in my prayers Mary. She is truly a mirac

  10. Praying for another good day and many more ahead.

  11. Such a lesson of His graces! Thrilled to read of Ivy's strength and determination ~ she is an amazing little lady! Keeping you in thoughts and prayer.



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