Friday, August 9, 2013

He gives us peace

Its been a pretty quiet day here. 
Quiet is good on a day like today. 
Bryan and I have made it a point to rejoice every single baby step of news that has come our way today as well as the miraculous news we put aside yesterday due to fear that overtook us. We traded our joy for sorrow. Never a good choice, but one that happens quite spontaneously when lives are shaken. So today, we traded our sorrow for joy! And it has been a much better day!
We avoided the operating room today by pumping loads of plasma in our baby girl. And bringing her INR up to a level that would be considered normal for you or I. And then we added the vitamin K. A scary thing for someone with a heart like Ivy's. But we had to focus on what could take her life away from us. Her bleed. It was that bad. And the bleeding was still really significant this morning. And we asked you all to pray as we trusted the one who made her. And we have faith that tomorrow her CT scan will reveal no more active bleeding. 

Our baby steps today are worthy of praise too.
Ivy does wake up when lifted from the drugs and she does act completely appropriate. She continues to have full use of both sides of her body and she answers questions by nodding yes and no. She squeezes my finger so tight and does the fastest head turn you've ever seen when she is looking one way and hears my voice from the other side. She is getting a little fluid overloaded, she's had an awful lot of plasma today. We are also using vitamin K. The doctors from both the heart team and neurology  have agreed that we need to put all focus on her head bleed right now even though we have a high risk of her mitral valve clotting with all this plasma and now vitamin K, (what causes your blood to clot)
We are holding on to hope that just as the Lord has given Ivy's old heart a second chance, He too will keep it strong as we focus on her brain and this bleed. 
She continues to be ventilated and sedated and showing us her will to get through this by fighting her sedation. She is thirsty! And she wants to wake up! Please keep that prayer circle going! 

It has been such a blessing to have my wonderful husband by my side. Being closer to home has us surrounded with family. We are so blessed to have my mom caring for Lexi.  And to have family close enough to visit when Little Ivy is feeling better. So tonight we rejoice in the baby steps. And we humbly thank you all for helping us get through this day with your kind words and fervent prayers for Ivy Joy. Our little Tiger Baby.
                  Time to go hat shopping! 


  1. Baby steps - how true for all of us. We are all children of God. We follow where He leads us. We love you Ivy and are praying for your complete healing. Love to all Maggie K

  2. Dear Mary and Bryan:

    So blessed and thankful to read all the "joys" that you are choosing to focus on! We just sang that song in church last Sunday.

    Prayers continue throughout the day and night.

    With much love and hugs and prayers,

    Jane K

  3. Praying praying praying for your precious baby girl.

  4. Praying praying praying for your precious baby girl.

  5. Still praying here in Ontario, Canada. Good to read some positive news. Stay strong sweet girl!

  6. Oh my word. I am just reading your blog for the first time this week and I am in shock for all y'all have been through. Sending up big BIG prayers for complete healing for that sweet baby girl.


  7. There are so many people who are on their knees praying for Ivy. I know there are more than just those posting comments. Ivy is on our family prayer board and every time I think about her (which is very often!) I say a prayer for her.

    When I told my 12 year old daughter about this latest trial, she immediately sat down and organized a fundraiser to help you guys. She's going to donate her time to sell baked goods so she can give all proceeds to Mission to a Million. Her goal is $300!

    I know you are emotionally spent and physically exhausted, but know that you are an inspiration to everyone on how to handle trials. There aren't too many people who have gone thru what you are going thru. Prayers are going out for you too along with the rest of your family.

    Sit back and feel all the love that is being sent your way. Your sweet little Ivy is a fighter and will rally thru this! Until then, you all will be bathed in prayer.

  8. So sorry that Ivy has to endure this, but she will overcome. God has her in the palm of His Hand, He holds you all close. Will continue to pray for her, lifting her up in prayer is a joy and an honor

    Jen from PA

  9. Dear Mary and Bryan,

    As our "JOY" shirts remind us, "Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for YOU in Christ Jesus!" 1Th 5:16-18

    You are doing this... And, I know God is blessing you for your faithfulness... God has protected Ivy Joy again and again, and I know He will continue to do this!!! We have no reason to doubt that!!!!

    Praying you through this trial and giving thanks that Ivy is in the best of hands... HIS and the team at Stanford!

    Hugs from MN!
    Jeff, Di and the Girls

  10. We are praying. God is faithful. God is able.

  11. This heart mama is praying from Oregon!

  12. I have been away and am just catching up now....Ivy Joy is prayed for every single day! Sending huge hugs and continuing to pray for your little tiger. What an incredible little being she is!

  13. Praying, praying for your sweet Ivy Joy.

  14. Praying for sweet Ivy Joy and for all of you.

  15. Seriously super cute hat - looking for one in a larger size for this weeks brain surgery. :) M. says she may wear a hat for months.

  16. Seriously super cute hat - looking for one in a larger size for this weeks brain surgery. :) M. says she may wear a hat for months.

  17. Praying for peace, comfort and healing!!!

  18. Mary,
    I will get some little kufi caps together and ship them out on Monday.
    Sending love and prayers.

  19. Will continue to pray for God's healing hand on your previous Ivy.

  20. Sending our love and prayers for healing from Boston. Ivy is such a beautiful, incredible little girl and such an amazing fighter. I hope she can feel the love that so many around the world are sending her way. She has touched and strenghtened the hearts of so many. We have had lots of sorrows in our family since last fall when I met you and Ivy. I just think of my little hero, and her amazing mama, and it has helps me find my own inner strength...and the joy in all things. <3 Wendy

  21. I know that fear, mom and dad. From experience, I also know it does nothing but rob you of the joy of the moment. "Be here now," was my mantra of sorts when our daughter's life was hanging in the balance. Ivy's life is in the Lord's hands - let it stay there as much as humanly possible; keep putting it back in His hands when you think you need to worry about or control the situation. I will be praying, praying, praying for total healing. (Love that precious pink hat!)

  22. Praying for you sweet Ivy and for your family. Much love to you all.

  23. Let us all be FAITHFUL AND TRUST IN OUR LORD!!!!cathy in illinois!!!!!

  24. In Georgia on my face lifting you all up in prayer!!!

    Mom of fab five

  25. In Georgia on my face lifting you all up in prayer.
    Mom of Fab Five

  26. First I want to say that we are praying for your little girl here in Europe also.
    I saw the picture and your comment of hat shopping. Our adopted daughter (China) did have 2 large brain surgeries and they shaved her hair completely. I did grow back so fast, and is so much thicker en shinny now. Her scares are covered with her hair now, but needed good protection from the sun the first year. I know that the head and hair thing is the lest of your worries right now, but when things get better, I know as a mom, you want a girl to be a girl :). You will be surprised how beautiful her hair will get in a short time.
    I wish you, your family and of course Ivy all the best!

    Charlotte , mom of 2 beautiful china daughters


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