Thursday, August 8, 2013

Rejoicing with sorrow

It is with a heavy heart that I share with you tonight. I should be jumping up and down, shouting from the rooftops, praising God for these words from the transplant team.
"Ivy's heart has made the most drastic improvement we could possibly hope for! Her function looks so much better, she doesn't even look like the same frail and ill child that strolled in to our office on May 7th. Her hypertension is just about gone, even her left ventricular function has drastically improved. If I had a Chrystal ball, I would say, your little girl is going to end up NOT needing a transplant with this upward improvement! Congratulations!!!"
So before I ask you to pray for Ivy tonight, I ask you to rejoice and give thanks first.
It was discovered today that Ivy has a large bleed in her head. After constant sleep and recurring head pain and spells of rolling eyes and deep sleep, we were able to get a ct scan that left us numb. Grief has crushed our spirit tonight and left us sending our precious little girl in to the operating room again.
Ivy has been in the operating room since 8pm. The plan is to remove half her skull, hopefully find the source of the bleed, and drain the blood. If her brain is unaffected she will come back to us with her scull stapled back on, if it is affected then they will freeze that half of her scull until the swelling is down. She is extremely high risk for heart complications due to clotting. She is also at a very high risk for a re bleed 2-3 days after the surgery. I can not believe this is happening. I know that we will one day understand everything. I trust that God has my baby girl in his palm, and yet as a human as a mommy as a sinner saved by Gods grace, I still just do not understand why? When will this baby get a break. When will these trials end? I am ready for Jesus to come back and take us all home and rescue us all from this suffering. Please start the prayer chain.


  1. Sending heartfelt prayers to Ivy Joy and all of you! Thank you, Lord, for the most excellent news anout Ivy's heart. Thank you for your healing touch! We now pray that you may guide these physicians as they search for the source of Ivy's bleeding. Please Lord!

  2. Oh my goodness! I am praying, praying, praying for sweet Ivy and for the whole family.

  3. My heart hurts for you and Ivy.
    Praying for you right now.

    The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;his mercies never come to an end; they are new very morning;

  4. Oh Mary. heart aches for you:-( I will be lifting your sweet girl up in prayer and praying for her team of drs, your family, and you♥

  5. Prayers, of course.

  6. So happy to hear her heart has improved! But the rest of it has me feeling numb. Praying here in NY...words are failing me right now but know that Gods love for Ivy is not!

  7. we are fasting and praying in chicago. i am trying to not lean on my understanding as there is no understanding, but acknowledging His great capacity to Heal and grant peace that can only come from HIM. ut loving you and yours from afar.

  8. Oh sweet baby girl - we are starting that prayer chain and praying that all goes well and no more pain for any if you.
    Praying for you

  9. Oh my goodness - that, or even a complication of any sort - was the last thing I expected to read when I saw another update from you.

    Praying that they are able to take care of the bleed and do the staples and everything all at once.

    I pray that God would guide the surgeons - their minds and their hands. I pray against any rebleeds or heart issues or anything else, that God protects her from any additional complications.

    I pray that Jesus' presence with Ivy in the OR would be especially evident, as well as with you as you wait.

    If you've not heard it, listen to Tenth Avenue North's song Worn."

    (To listen)

    It's been pretty much the only song I've been listening to as it just conveys where I'm at.

    And I have to think that you probably will find it resonates with you, too.


    I'm tired
    I'm worn
    My heart is heavy
    From the work it takes to keep on breathing

    I've made mistakes
    I've let my hope fail
    My soul feels crushed
    By the weight of this world
    And I know that you can give me rest
    So I cry out with all that I have left

    Let me see redemption win
    Let me know the struggle ends
    That you can mend a heart that's frail and torn

    I want to know a song can rise
    From the ashes of a broken life
    And all that's dead inside can be reborn
    Cause I'm worn

    I know I need
    To lift my eyes up
    But I'm too weak
    Life just won't let up
    And I know that You can give me rest
    So I cry out with all that I have left

    Let me see redemption win
    Let me know the struggle ends
    That you can mend a heart that's frail and torn

    I want to know a song can rise
    From the ashes of a broken life
    And all that's dead inside can be reborn
    Cause I'm worn

    And my prayers are wearing thin
    I'm worn even before the day begins
    I'm worn I've lost my will to fight
    I'm worn so heaven come and flood my eyes

    Let me see redemption win
    Let me know the struggle ends
    That you can mend a heart that's frail and torn

    I want to know a song can rise
    From the ashes of a broken life
    And all that's dead inside can be reborn
    Yes all that's dead inside will be reborn
    Though I'm worn
    Yeah I'm worn

  10. I've been praying for you all for a long time. Will continue to keep your sweet Ivy lifted up. So sorry she has to go through this too. Petrie M.

  11. Praying without ceasing.

    Love to you and Ivy.


  12. Praying our hearts out for you guys and Ivy Joy - holding you guys -

    hugs - aus and co.

  13. Will definitely keep baby girl in our prayers. Makes me so sad. How can this be happening. Hugs and Kisses from Atlanta, Georgia!

  14. Praying here in CT. Maggie K

  15. Prayers from Canada!

  16. Praying and praying for your sweet baby girl today.

  17. Praying that Jesus will wrap His loving arms around you all. Prayers for strength. Hugs and love.

  18. I'm devastated to hear this news. However, I can't help but give thanks for her healing so far - Praise God. And my prayer tonight is that HE will heal her little head the same way he has healed her little heart.

    Praying for you dear Mommy (& family) as you undergo another trial.

    HE is able!

  19. Praying in Michigan!! May He wrap his loving arms around Ivy and your precious family!!

  20. Oh Ivy...brave little soul. Keep fighting. Prayers this morning.

  21. Praying for sweet Ivy and you all!
    Lora Beth from Colorado

  22. I can hardly wrap my mind around this devastating news. Of course, Ivy will be in my thoughts and prayers as will you Mary.

  23. Your sweet girl has endured so much! Praying for complete healing.

  24. Your sweet girl has endured so much! Praying for complete healing.

  25. Holding Ivy and your family in prayer ~ praise God for all he has done and all he will do!


  26. Aching for you all. Dale

  27. Oh this breaks me heart. praying praying praying for her healing, for your comfort and peace, for His Glory to shine through!

  28. You all don't know me, but I have been following your story through Jennifer (who posts for prayer requests)

    My heart aches for Ivy and your whole family!! What a strong little girl. My prayers will continue!!

  29. Mary - one second at a time. This is a hurdle but Ivy is strong. Your baby is a fighter. We are lifting you up in prayer. Hang tough. Lean on the love the world is sending you and Ivy. Beth

  30. Hugs and prayers to you and your family. Ivy is such a fighter, which is a good thing, but, God is by the doctors side....and your family's also. Prayers are being said for you all from every corner of the world.......

  31. I am having a hard time understanding all of her suffering. I would gladly take her place. As a nurse I know it is at times difficult to keep blood from being too thin or too thick. But why her? I am praying very hard for her. I know she is one tough girl!! May God show
    mercy on her and all of you.
    Joanne in Indiana

  32. Praying for miracles from Oregon.

  33. Praying for miracles from Oregon.

  34. Lifting sweet Ivy, Mommy, Daddy, family and medical team in prayer. Praying for complete healing and for a hedge of safety around Ivy. There are many here praying at this very moment. (from Belton, MO)

  35. Prayers for Ivy and your family from Oregon.

  36. Praying for your whole family!

  37. We are praying for you sweet Ivy Joy and for your dear family and all the medical staff. You are in our precious Lord's hands. Blessings, the St.Martin Family from Sharon, MA

  38. I pray that God will surround you with His presence; give wisdom to the medical team and abundant hope and joy to the family. Praying, praying...

  39. Lifting your precious Ivy Joy up in prayer. Please Lord give this baby girl a break. xoxo


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